Showing posts with label Life Lately. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life Lately. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Some Inaugural Sparkle c/o Rent the Runway 

Ladies night with my girl

Inaugural fancies 

Pretty flowers 

Mardi Gras Prep 

Late night shenanigans. #dontjudgemeplease

Cheese Shop in Williamsburg, VA

Mardi Gras Madness

PS. I just discovered Snap Chat, thanks to my lovely friend and reader Callie, and I need more friends. @EmPri88. Add me yo. 

Happy Tuesday Girls

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Loving Lately: New Eye Shadow Palettes

Now that I've been the proud owner of the Naked Palette for a year I am convinced that high end eye palettes are 100% worth the investment. I'm feeling like I've hit a bit of an eye makeup rut lately, so I'm debating about investing in a new palette. (Or maybe my Mom will read this and get me one of these for an early Christmas present. Just kidding Mom, but if you want to send me one I'd totally be okay)

These are the three palettes I've narrowed it down to... 
The LORAC Pro Palette is GORGEOUS. Half matte and half shimmer, I think there are a ton of looks that you could create with this. There are a few similarities to the naked palette though, so I'm a little hesitant.
Too Faced The Return of Sexy Palette
The Too Faced The Return of Sexy Palette is shimmery and fabulous! I love the idea of this combo of three palettes in one. Browns, Purples and Grays. All are go-to color combos for me, plus I don't have a ton of these colors in my collection, so it would be a great way to expand.

Urban Decay The Vice Palette
The UD Vice Palette was just released, and from what I hear it's going to be the next big thing. I'm more of a neutral girl, so the bright colors are a bit scary. However I love UD shadows and they are all super blend-able so the pigmentation isn't super scary if you tone it down with some of the neutrals. 

Glossy Blonde
This is a weekly link up hosted by the fabulous Carly, Kristen, NikiRachel!  Join us and link up what you're loving lately! Whether it's fashion, color, crafts, interiors, beauty products, yummy and delicious, or really anything else, we want to know!

1. Follow Your Hosts and Co-Hosts
They are the first 8 in the linky! Carly @ Lipgloss and Crayons Kristen @ The Wright Stuff Niki @ Glossy Blonde Rachel @ La La Lists This week's co-hosts are: Angela @ Head To Toe Chic Emily @ Blue Dog Belle Harmony @ Thistles & Things Whitney & Nicole @ Something Brought You Here

2. Grab a Button
Or link back to one of your hosts, and help us promote Loving Lately!

3. Link Up!
Link up your post on what you're loving lately! Please do not link up your entire blog or any posts that are not "Loving Lately"!   We are so happy to have you link up, and we do go through and read all of the posts, so if you do not give credit, we will have to remove your link.  And we don't want to have to do that!  So please share the love and include a link back!

4. Mingle
It's a linky party after all!
Visit some of the other posts in the linky and say hello!

5. Tweet!
Help us promote and grow this party! Send a tweet and let everyone know you linked up!
Glossy Blonde
Let's get this party started!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thursday Randoms

Hey ladies,

I've seriously been missing y'all lately. I hope you've been enjoying all the guest posts. I know I appreciate the break from daily blogging (plus I love getting to know some of my favorite ladies a little better), but I miss y'all. I miss writing, and I feel like I'm phoning it in. When I started this blog I knew it would be a time commitment, but sometimes it's really like a second job. whew. emails, comments, writing code, keeping track of a schedule? It can definitely get overwhelming at times. I know this whole LSAT thing is temporary, but man is it a lot of work. Since I haven't really updated y'all on my day to day happenings lately, I'm going to do a bit of a check in.

Trying to get in a few more fruits and veggies | Succeeding at Brunch at Matchbox

Some of the greenery in my life lately. Pretty flowers on my desk | basil on the stoop

who doesn't need georgetown cupcake in their life | latest makeup obsessions

Not that y'all are super interested in the details of my LSAT prep (though if anyone wants to talk about it/has questions, I could probably discuss the subject for hours), but I wanted to share a little bit of my progress. I'm about a month in to my class, and I hadn't really been seeing improvements in my scores. BUT I took a timed full length test on Sunday and had a wonderful 6 pt bump (You can score a 120-180, generally you need to be 150+ to get in to any school). I was so happy I literally jumped up and did a happy dance around my kitchen. not kidding. Hopefully all this hard work will pay off come test day.

It's August Recess. I forgot how awesome August in DC can be. No traffic. Recess hours for weeks on end. No mandatory fundraisers or other functions requiring appearances. Jeans whenever? I mean, I'm loving it.

I have also been craving chocolate milk like a crazy person lately. I've gone through like 4 containers of chocolate soy/almond milk in the last 2 weeks. It's kind of ridic.

sidenote--- I'm not a health freak person, but drinking milk kind of sketches me out. I've never been a big fan taste or texture wise, but I can't get over the whole drinking another animals milk... pretty sure we're the only species that does that. I don't know. I much prefer almond and soy milks. thanks.

 Oh! I won one of Fashionably Broke's giveaways--- any pair of glasses from Firmoo

what do y'all think? I'm kind of obsessed with them! I have this stupid dream of being mistaken for a hipster... and I feel that these glasses might just help this dream come to fruition.

Why I desire to be mistaken for a hipster is beyond me. I think it's probably because I'd like to blend in with the cool kids... and in my neighborhood (Bloomingdale for all you dc folk) hipsters reign supreme.

I think that's about everything happening in my life lately. I really just go to work and practice for the LSAT.

HOWEVER. I'm going to do my best to make it to Kate's big shopping event on Sunday. Let me know if you're going! If you aren't, you pretty much need to.

Now that recess is here, and I only have 2 more weeks of lsat class, I'm hoping to put a little more effort into my posts. Have some exciting things planned for you ladies, so I hope you keep coming back!

In the mean time, I'll see you for a cocktail around these parts some time tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Life Lately

So, I feel really out of it lately. I haven't really blogged since Thursday. The weekend was a blur, work has been busy. I am applying to a fellowship so I've been running around getting letters of recommendation, writing essays, etc. AND I've been in full on HUNGER GAMES addiction. I read the last book yesterday. The whole thing. In one day. And I had a 10 hour work day. And I went on a 30 minute run walk. AND I went to the grocery store. Needless to say I  was up until 1:30 am. Then stayed awake for another 2 hours due to a combination of factors including my constant battle with insomnia, how FREAKING HOT it is in my house and traces of caffeine in my blood stream. I finally gave up, went downstairs and slept on the couch where it was cooler. I was out of the house by 7:15, and thank god for no traffic and my free starbucks birthday beverage (this is my last week as a 23 year old AHHH!!!).

Here are a few pictures of life lately. If you don't already follow me on Instagram @EmPri88

National's Game Saturday (we didn't make it inside the stadium because I refuse to spend $50 for a ticket to see the Nats)

I love this city

First frozen Marg of the Season. It was YUMMY.

Testing out curly hair with my new hair cut/ YAY for being Blondey blonde again!

Starbucks is a godsend.

New haircut

I just got back from the roof of my building watching the shuttle fly over the mall. It was quite a sight. Let me tell you that thing is HUGE!!!! Very cool.

Also, I seriously think I'm suffering from post-hunger game depression. I need a fix. Slash. I AM NOT HAPPY with how it all ended. UGH. I won't say enought to ruin the end for any of you who haven't read it but 1. Katniss picked the right guy, but I hated how they got there. 2. WTF happened at the end? Who was really telling the truth President Coin or President Snow? I'm so confused!!! I need the movie to come out already (movie # 3 I mean). I can't wait however many years it's going to take. UGH.

okay. rant over. Hope y'all have a great Tuesday!

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