Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Happy Birthday to me

At 3:16 pm today I turn 24. 

I am officially in my mid twenties. 

true story. 

Here's to hoping for a great year.

Monday, April 23, 2012

April Birchbox

It's that time again!

I'm linking up with Tara and Katie for another round of...

My April Birchbox arrived early this month woohoo!! After an AWESOME box in March I was pumped. Then I opened it and saw this...
Dropps: laundry detergent
These small squares pack a big punch: each is filled with a fabric-friendly detergent that keeps colors bright while respecting the environment. Fresh Scent has a light, spring-inspired fragrance, the packs are great for those who want to go the odor-neutral route.

hmm... laundry detergent. okay. I tried them, but I'm not really sure they would be worth the cost. I actually make my own laundry detergent, I'll do a post on that another time, but I personally think mine is better.

WONDERSTRUCK: by Taylor Swift
Wonderstruck is that awe-inspiring feeling that comes from experiencing something magical. Eclectic and traditional with whimsical flair, every element of the brand is authentically Taylor.

Okay.... this might be worse than the laundry detergent. Don't get me wrong. Love me some T Swift. But I'm generally not a fan of super sweet floral perfumes (especially if they're made by a celebrity). Not good friends. not good.

willa Lavender Facial Towelettes 
Sometimes you want to wash your face when there’s no sink in sight. Since it’s not always a good idea to stop what you’re doing and run to the nearest bathroom, keep these super cool towelettes by your side. Perfect for girls on the go, they’re made to cleanse and refresh skin. Each 30-pack comes with a month’s supply of sweetly scented lavender wipes. Store them in your backpack, your locker, or your purse, and take them out whenever you want to remove all signs of oil and debris. Even the packaging is as cute as a button.

The Willa towelettes are awesome. They smell super fresh, are really soft, and they're natural! What's not to love?

ZOYA: TRUE Spring Collection in BEVIN
Zoya’s latest collection of polishes has us even more excited to brighten up our wardrobe and show off fun mani-pedis this spring. If you’re looking for a subdued shade, check out Bevin, a sage green with faint teal undertones. 

I LOVEEEEEEEEEEE this Zoya polish. It's a beautiful muted mint green color.

J.R. Watkins: Hand & Cuticle Salve
From hangnails to dry knuckles, your hands are subject to a whole slew of issues. Luckily, this intense salve provides long-lasting relief to delicate, over-worked hands. Formulated with over ten natural oils and plant extracts, it penetrates deep beneath your skin’s surface, revealing softer skin and revitalized cuticles. Plus, we love how all its ingredients are ethically sourced.

My thoughts on the J.R. Watkins salve: ehh. I could take it or leave it. smells good. moisturizes well, but I'm not drawn back to it.

Not the best box I've ever gotten... but as always I will continue on with the Birchboxes.

PS I heard from Krista that next month will be a Gossip Girl themed box. So excited.

Friday, April 20, 2012

{Friday Cocktail} Cucumber Mint Gimlet

There are a few reasons I'm featuring this yummy cocktail on the blog this week. #1. I love Gin. It is my favorite liquor. I've read a few articles lately about how gin has come back in vogue in recent years. I would like to take this opportunity to take full responsibly for that. I am clearly quite the trendsetter. Ha ha. I kid. I am sure one influential factor is the rising popularity of my favorite show Mad Men. That brings me to #2. Betty Draper Francis loves her some gimlets, and who am I to knock the fabulous Mrs. Draper's drink of choice. #3. It's horse racing season. I'm not a huge mint julep fan, if it has enough sugar sure, but I'm still working on learning to love bourbon and other whiskeys. I feel that this is a gin lovers response to the mint julep. Plus who doesn't love a cucumber mint combo.
  • 2 oz Cucumber Gin 
  • 1 oz fresh lime juice
  • .5 oz Mint Simple Syrup
  • Cucumber peels, for garnish
  • Fresh mint sprigs, for garnish
  • crushed ice 

Cucumber Gin
  • Steep 2.5 cups of diced peeled cucumber in 4.5 cups of gin
  • Cover and chill at least 8 hours, up to four days
  • Strain and Store

Mint Simple Syrup
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • combine over medium heat until sugar dissolves
  • Add 1 cup mint leaves and remove from heat
  • Cover, steep for 30 minutes -1 hour, then strain and discard mint. 
  • Store up to 2 months
Enjoy! I know I'm looking forward to sipping on one of these this rainy spring weekend.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

There's something about a birthday

Do you love your birthday? do you dread it? Why is it that people don't seem to feel neutral about celebrating "themselves."

I am turning 24 on Tuesday. 24. Woah. When did that happen. I swear I just turned 20 like a week ago. Last year was the first time where I didn't have a great birthday. That was mostly my own doing, but it also wasn't the happiest time in my life. This year I'm trying to be more pro-active. Celebrate me! I'm having a cinco de mayo/silver and gold birthday party with my roommate (its my golden birthday and her silver anniversary of being alive) But pulling all of this together makes me realize what I don't have.

I don't have my dream job yet. In fact I'm incredibly bored with my job/career, but for some reason I still haven't gotten that kick in the ass to go do something about it.

I don't really have a lot of friends here. I have friends. Don't get me wrong. But so many of them are work friends, or friends of convenience. They are the kind of people you pour your heart out to over a glass of wine, or call 27 times a day, or gchat with non stop.

I still struggling with a broken heart, two years later.

I've been in DC for over two years now, and I know less about what I want to do with my life than when I moved here as a college senior.

But why am I wasting time worrying about all that. I have so many great things in my life, yet I continue to focus on what I don't have.

I do have some wonderful crazy friends.

BW. Roommate. Best Friend since the sixth grade. She knows everything about me.

LoPro aka Lawfully Wedded Wife. Bestie since the seventh grade.

Kat. Part Soulmate part therapist. College Bestie. I talk to her every single day. She's brilliant, tough and not afraid to tell it like it is. She balances me in every way. I love her to death.

KJ.  Roommie. We've been friends for EVER. 5th grade maybe? Became BFF in high school. and reconnected when we both moved to DC two years ago.

CC. DC bestie. She recently moved to New Zealand. She has no idea how much I miss her.
I live in an awesome city. I have a well paying, well connected, and very cushy job. I have my health. I have my family. I have a great house. I love my neigborhood. I have my wonderful blog friends. What else do I really need?

PS Have you seen this video? So funny. And true.

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