Friday, October 26, 2012

100th Friday Fancies (#8)! Time to celebrate

Who doesn't want to stand out a a celebration. When I saw this sparkly red dress I knew it was perfect!!! Through in a few sparkly accessories and a nice glass of champagne and you're ready!!! Congratulations on 100 Friday Fancies Allison! Here's to many many more!

Red dress | Heels | Clutch | Earrings

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Fancies #7: Halloween Style

Thursday, October 18, 2012

It's Time for a little break

Greetings from beautiful Jefferson county Ohio! I am three days in to campaigning and absolutely loving it. I can't even describe to y'all what a high this experience has been already. I am just so excited to be here. I'm excited be working to re elect the president. I'm excited to finally have some real responsibility and autonomy in a job. I love that I'm actually useful and I'm making a difference. I'm so energized by this experience and excited to take it back to dc in a few weeks.

The work is exhausting. The hours are longer than I could have ever dreamed. Down time is basically enough to squeeze in a shower and maybe a few hours of sleep.

But this is it y'all. This is why I love politics. I love being on the grassroots level. I didn't realized how much i missed interacting with the constituents (out here folks are actually nice and appreciative unlike Capitol Hill, so it's a little different). I moved to dc to be a part of the system. To actually help make America better! But 3 years later I've stalled, become pessimistic and selfish. I needed this experience to remind me of who I want to be and what I want to do. Help people.

A few folks have sent me questions about the debate the other night. I tweeted up a storm the whole time (@bluedogbelle) so if you want specifics, just go to my feed. I will say briefly that I loved the debate, not because I believe my candidate won, but because I thought it was politics at its finest. The difference and priorities of the two parties could not have been more apparent, and that's what we need at this point. For me it was abundantly clear that I support the president. I will do everything I possibly can to see that he is reelected.

So that brings me to a final note that you may have gathered from the title of this post. It's important to me to give everything to this effort I can, and in order to do that I am going to have to step away from the blog for a minute. I will be back shortly after Election Day, though, i was a superstar blogger and scheduled out a few more posts while im here. I promise to keep tweeting and instagramming up a storm. But bloggies, I will see you in a few weeks. If we don't talk again before Election Day, please please please go vote. It's so easy and oh so important. I've completely uprooted my life to do something I so passionately believe I. But I can't do anything more than attempt to urge you to educate yourself on the issues and the candidates and make an informed choice on Election Day. I don't care who you vote for. Ok woah, step that back. I urge you to vote for Barack Obama, but the choice is solely yours. Please go make that choice on November 6. Please just vote.

See y'all soon folks. Fired up and ready to go.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Debate Drinking Games

Alright folks. This is coming back.  While we may not agree on politics, we can all agree that drinking games make them more fun right? 
I had a lot of fun with this last time around, and this time promises to be just as good.  If tonight is anything like the last presidential debate, you are going to need to choose your cocktail of choice wisely. I would suggest making a fall shandy. Not only is it delicious, but it's relatively low in alcohol, so you can sip away all night long. 

My recommendation is a Pumpkin Shandy


  1. Add Cointreau, lemon juice, pumpkin butter and ice to a mixing glass.
  2. Shake and fine-strain over ice in a highball glass.
  3. Top with beer and garnish with fresh grated nutmeg.
Good luck, and be careful. Don't drink and drive, debate politics with your friends, or over indulge. Pace yourselves please. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Here is my weekend via Instagram. I'm an idiot and left my computer charger in dc, so blogging has to be done via cell phone. Oh we'll hope y'all have a great start to the week!

On The Road Again

I'm on the road today. Ohio here I come! Be sure to follow me on twitter and instagram for lots of exciting updates!!!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday Fancies #6: Leaf Love

I'm loving this week's Friday Fancies theme. I don't know about y'all, but I'm so loving the turning leaves and the cooler weather. I think this would be a perfect Saturday afternoon outfit to head out in DC and enjoy this lovely weather!
Leaf Love
 Sweater | Shirt | Pants | Boots | Watch | Scarf

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Oh Hi Oh!!!!

Well folks. I've enjoyed a whole 2 days of calm now that the LSAT is over. I think I have a death wish or something, but I have some exciting news! I will be departing Washington, D.C. on Sunday morning to go work on the Presidential Campaign in Ohio!

It's going to be an adventure for sure! Knocking on doors. Making lots of phone calls. Working ridiculously long days. I can't tell y'all how excited I am. 

Needless to say I thought blogging during LSAT prep was going to be sporadic.... 

Don't worry though, all will be back to regularly scheduled programing after the election! And DC friends, don't fret. I will return soon!!!

xo! And don't forget to vote!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

So. Tired.

I need coffee. That's all I can say today. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Red Red Wine

Lately I've been obsessing over red lips. I've been rocking them the past few days and I'm loving the look. It can be tricky to find the right makeup look for the office. You need to balance looking put together, while not looking overly made up. I am definitely guilty of overdoing it on the eye makeup every now and again, and I often pair a bright or super shiny lip with heavy eyes. Seems great at the time, but it's probably better suited for a Friday night... not 10 am on a tuesday. I've been playing with lighter makeup looks lately (mostly because I hadn't been getting enough sleep because of that stupid test who shall not be named), and I've been loving how a bright lip can pull together a look without requiring a ton of other effort.


I know red lips are a little scary for some of us, especially if you're not accustomed to wearing lip color, but I've discovered that it's actually easier to pull off a darker lip than a bright one. So if you're wanting to be on trend for fall, but a little afraid of the whole red lip thing... why not try a wine lip 


Monday, October 8, 2012

It's over

Well. It's Monday and I'm still alive. The LSAT is over, thank goodness and I hopefully never have to look at those questions ever again. Yay! Thank you everyone who has been so supportive over the last few months! I truly appreciate all of the well wishes!

On an unhappier note, the Georgia Bulldogs missed the bus to columbia south carolina and we lost. Here's to hoping this off week will let us regroup and come back stronger for Georgia Florida.

Oh and the braves lost in the most ridiculous way ever.

So yah. That was my weekend. 7 hours of LSAT. 8 hours of epic athletic losses. and the rest was spent in bed.

But now I have a life again!!! Woohoo!!!

Now I need help y'all. I'm treating myself to a mini shopping spree at sephora... what should I get??? I need recommendations!!!

I got this in my birchbox a few months ago and I'm still loving it... should I invest???

Viva La Juicy La Fleur 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Test Day

It's LSAT day folks. I'm off to make this test my bitch. Then watch the Georgia v. South Carolina Game. 

What up. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday Fancies #5: Marvelous Monotone

I love this weeks Friday Fancies theme, Marvelous Monotone. I am obsessed with this rosy nude color right now. It's so warm and feminine yet classic and contemporary.

Friday Fancies: Marvelous Monotone
Top | Skirt | Shoes | Handbag | Watch | Earrings
Thanks again to the lovely {AV} for hosting. I am taking the afternoon off today to relax, because the LSAT is tomorrow morning. I can hardly even believe it's here. I'm feeling good, ready to dominate, and see all of my hard work pay off. Send me good vibes tomorrow morning!!!! I'm going to need as much help as I can get. 

Have a great weekend y'all!!! See you post-LSAT!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Beauty for a Cause

I know all of our lives have been touched by cancer. My grandmother and grandfather both passed away from lung cancer. One of my best friend's mother was diagnosed with a form of brain cancer and had been in and out of remission for the last two years. It's a brutal disease that can effect any of us, and while there is so much that we don't know about the causes, research makes major advances every year. One way we can help is support research foundations financially. I know we don't all have tons of disposable income to donate, but It's breast cancer awareness month and many of our favorite brands have come out with some great products supporting cancer research. 

"The causes of breast cancer are not fully understood. Although it is clear that age, gender and lifetime exposure to estrogen and other factors play an important role. Because no one knows exactly what cause breast cancer to develop in a certain person at a certain time, there are no sure ways to prevent it. However, there are steps that you can take that may reduce your risk. These include maintaing a healthy weight, adding exercise into your routine, limiting alcohol intake and postmenopausal hormones, and breast feeding if you can. Anyone can get breast cancer."  Susan G. Komen 
These are a few of my favorites... get to shopping ladies!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

This is happening...

If I wasn't in the home stretch of the LSAT  (2 days folks!), I would be partaking. Don't worry--- I'll remind you a little earlier next time. Happy Debate night!

Becca's Baked Potato Soup

So with all of this rain in DC yesterday I was craving a big bowl of soup, a blanket and some good TV. Thankfully my roommate, BW was thinking the same thing and made a big pot of soup. It was so good I had to share it with y'all. 

1 package of bacon - hickory cured bacon is the best, and has no nitrates or nitrites
3/4 yellow or Vidalia onion, chopped or sliced 
3-4 Yukon gold potatoes depending on size, chopped into pieces a little smaller than a square inch
2-3 cups of milk, cream or half and half
4-5 tbsp corn starch
Salt and pepper to taste
*Sharp cheddar
*Crumbled bacon leftover from soup


1.     Cook the full package of bacon, 3-4 small batches at a time, in the bottom of a medium-large soup pot (preferably a cast iron dutch oven). When the bacon’s crispy, set aside on paper towels. Do not drain the grease.
2.    Sauté the onion in the bacon fat for 10-15 mins until soft. Meanwhile, salt and pepper the chopped potatoes that are waiting to go into the pot.
3.    Add the potatoes to the pot and stir so the bacon fat coats the potatoes.
4.    Add 6-8 cups of water and roughly ¼ cup of salt and about ½ tbsp of pepper to taste.  Bring to a rolling boil until potatoes are soft and then turn down to simmer.
5.    In a separate bowl, mix 2 cups of milk, cream or half and half with 4-5 tbsp of cornstarch and whisk until the corn starch is dissolved. Stir this mixture in slowly, 1 cup at a time, stirring constantly and checking the consistency as you go, until you’ve reached the desired consistency.
6.    Ladle into a bowl and add shredded cheddar, chopped scallions and chopped bacon. 

This is soooooo good. The only thing that could make this better is a nice bread bowl (next time). Not exactly healthy, but this cool rainy weather allows for exceptions to the rule. 

Thanks BW!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Loving Lately: New Eye Shadow Palettes

Now that I've been the proud owner of the Naked Palette for a year I am convinced that high end eye palettes are 100% worth the investment. I'm feeling like I've hit a bit of an eye makeup rut lately, so I'm debating about investing in a new palette. (Or maybe my Mom will read this and get me one of these for an early Christmas present. Just kidding Mom, but if you want to send me one I'd totally be okay)

These are the three palettes I've narrowed it down to... 
The LORAC Pro Palette is GORGEOUS. Half matte and half shimmer, I think there are a ton of looks that you could create with this. There are a few similarities to the naked palette though, so I'm a little hesitant.
Too Faced The Return of Sexy Palette
The Too Faced The Return of Sexy Palette is shimmery and fabulous! I love the idea of this combo of three palettes in one. Browns, Purples and Grays. All are go-to color combos for me, plus I don't have a ton of these colors in my collection, so it would be a great way to expand.

Urban Decay The Vice Palette
The UD Vice Palette was just released, and from what I hear it's going to be the next big thing. I'm more of a neutral girl, so the bright colors are a bit scary. However I love UD shadows and they are all super blend-able so the pigmentation isn't super scary if you tone it down with some of the neutrals. 

Glossy Blonde
This is a weekly link up hosted by the fabulous Carly, Kristen, NikiRachel!  Join us and link up what you're loving lately! Whether it's fashion, color, crafts, interiors, beauty products, yummy and delicious, or really anything else, we want to know!

1. Follow Your Hosts and Co-Hosts
They are the first 8 in the linky! Carly @ Lipgloss and Crayons Kristen @ The Wright Stuff Niki @ Glossy Blonde Rachel @ La La Lists This week's co-hosts are: Angela @ Head To Toe Chic Emily @ Blue Dog Belle Harmony @ Thistles & Things Whitney & Nicole @ Something Brought You Here

2. Grab a Button
Or link back to one of your hosts, and help us promote Loving Lately!

3. Link Up!
Link up your post on what you're loving lately! Please do not link up your entire blog or any posts that are not "Loving Lately"!   We are so happy to have you link up, and we do go through and read all of the posts, so if you do not give credit, we will have to remove your link.  And we don't want to have to do that!  So please share the love and include a link back!

4. Mingle
It's a linky party after all!
Visit some of the other posts in the linky and say hello!

5. Tweet!
Help us promote and grow this party! Send a tweet and let everyone know you linked up!
Glossy Blonde
Let's get this party started!

This linky list is now closed.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Giveaway winner and the blue skirt

First of all, thanks to everyone entered the Starbucks giveaway. What better way to start off the week, than by announcing a winner. Congratulations to the lovely 

Expect an email from me shortly lady. Hopefully we'll have another give away coming up soon! 

Now. I have another outfit post! Yay! 

Top: Old Navy | Skirt: Eloquii | Necklace: Eastern Market | Glasses c/o Firmoo | Watch: Michael Kors

FYI-- my lip color is Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain in Lovesick. I'm obsessed.

Hope y'all have a great start to your week! See you tomorrow!

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