Showing posts with label brunch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brunch. Show all posts

Monday, June 18, 2012

Weekend Recap

Is there anything worse than a rainy Monday morning? I don't think so. I really could have used a three day weekend, but work promises to be far too busy slash I will be here until probably 9 tonight (ugh) thus adding to my pain. This weekend those was one of those wonderful, only in DC kind of a weekend.  

Painted my nails. 

Sunday we brunched in Columbia Heights at The Getaway with a few friends, and let me tell you it was awesome. I got a spicy bloody mary and this gem of a sandwich. A Fried Green Tomato BLT. WHAT? I know. It was SO good. Fried Green Tomatoes. Bacon. Avocado Ranch. Goat Cheese. Brioche Bun. and Sweet Potato Tots. Are you dying yet? This place is right on 14th Street in Columbia Heights but you have to walk maybe 4-5 blocks up from the metro to get there (I doubt I would have ever found it if my friends didn't live next door)

Saturday Night we hit up H Street Country Club, which you know if you follow me on Twitter or Instagram. I was a posting fiend. 

also. I'm not trying to be that girl but can we talk about how tan I look? For reals. I've never been any color other than white. Sunless tanner is changing my life. oh and bronzer. and bronze primers. and maybe a little time in the sun. But still. 

dress is from Forever 21

Found some time for a Pitango stop at Eastern Market. Man I forgot how good that stuff is. Lemon + White Grapefruit Sorbet. my mouth is seriously watering as I type this. 

Saturday afternoon we went for a walk/yard sale-ing in the hood and did the obligatory stop at Big Bear. I wore a fedora so I would feel slightly more hipster and fit in. but lets be honest I will never pass for a hipster. 

Oh and this happened. 

I know its a very blah tweet. but still. Emily Eddington is like my makeup idol. I seriously worship her, and everything she does. and she tweeted me. I died. 

So. That's about it. Sorry it was all out of order, but that's how my photos loaded, and I didn't feel like changing them around. 

Monday, April 30, 2012

And we're back.

Whew. What a whirlwind of a weekend that was. It was one of those weekends jam packed full of awesomeness. Yay. Warning, this is a photo heavy post.

Friday night I hit up Target/Old Navy for a few things to get me ready for Puerto Rico!

I was SOOOO excited to try the BB Cream, and y'all let me tell you I LOVE it. However, I've looked for it in 4 different places now, and cannot find it in "light" so I bought the medium/dark tone. I'm still a little too pale for it, but whatever. I worked it. What do you think?

with the bb cream and LOTS of powder to balance. What do you think? I went on a super fun day date to taste of 8th. It went well... obviously due to my flawless foundation. haha

Saturday night I embraced my hipster side, to the best of my ability and hit up Sticky Rice which was AMAZING as always. For real, if you're in DC trek over to H St for some $3 PBR's and a SUPER FUN dancing. They play EVERYTHING from the 70's to now. Ugh. I love that place. 

Nails of the week are sparkly thanks to inspiration from Blushing Basics, cute right? 

Sunday I went on my first blogger brunch meet up at Scion in Dupont. Somehow we forgot to take a picture, but we had a great time! Thanks again for inviting me Meaghan

Then I ran a few errands around town, and finally got home around 4. But the weather was just too wonderful to spend the waning hours of the weekend doing laundry. I went on an exploratory walk around the neighborhood, and was pleasantly surprised. I found a great park, saw some beautiful flowers, and met some very friendly neighbors. Sorry if you follow me on instagram, follow me @EmPri88, you've seen all of these and then some, but for the rest of you enjoy :)

Did y'all do anything fun this weekend?

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