Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thursday Randoms

Well hello there! Long time no see! I'm slowly getting settled here in New Orleans and have been wrapped up in a world of spending money, getting lost and seemingly endless boxes. But guess what? I'm absolutely loving it. I can't tell y'all how much I love having a walk in closet and my own bathroom. It's WONDERFUL after a few years of sharing bathrooms and living with clothing racks in my room.

I've been gone from DC for about two weeks, and to catch you up quickly here are the highlights of the last 10 days.

  • Sprained my ankle the day before moving. The universe decided to beat up on me. 
  • 2 yellow jacket stings. Again, I angered the universe. 
  • 1 flat tire. Are you getting the drift?
  • 2 wonderful nights in Athens catching up with old friends in my old college town. 
  • 5 awesome days in Atlanta with my the dash of soul team.
  • 1200+ miles in the car. 
  • And about a million margaritas at Tin Lizzy's. #RoughLife
So now you're all caught up! But goodness knows I can't write a Thursday Random's post without pictures!

Can't wait to share more of what I've been up to in New Orleans! Orientation starts on Monday! 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Friday's Fancies: Rainbow Sherbet

Happy Friday Friends! I'm hanging out in Atlanta and having a fabulous time hanging in my hometown. Last night we had a slumber party with my favorite 10 year old and she helped me cultivate today's look. This week our #FF theme is summer treats, and I only had to think for about 3 seconds for my favorite summer treat. Rainbow Sherbet! Duh. So we took the treat theme quite literally and cultivated the most colorful outfit ever! Hey, if you can't wear this when you're ten you'll probably never wear it right?

Rainbow Sherbet

Amazing right? While you probably will never see me rocking this combo of colors it's the best of the best for that preteen in your life. Wish me luck heading to NOLA tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

July Birchbox

Well hello there, y'all didn't think I would miss my favorite monthly link up did you? We all know I love my subscription boxes, and I'm a birchbox faithful (nearly 2 and a half years strong!). So, without further adieu, here is my July box, don't forget to link up with the lovely ladies below.

Caldrea Lotion: Love this stuff, smells yummy like it's right out of the spa. Long lasting moisture. Great overall, but still too pricey for me to justify. Would be a great present for someone though!

 I.C.O.N India Oil: I still go back and forth on the hair oils, but this one has been a lifesaver for my ends. My stylist even commented on how good my ends look 10 weeks after my last cut! Not a ton of scent (which I like), a little goes a VERY long way. Make sure to use it on your ends first! I like using about a dimes worth on wet hair, then even less after a blowout just to smooth some flyaways. 

 Model and Co Lipstick: I absolutely LOVE this lipstick. I have peony and it's a gorgeous bright pink! I've vowed to be that girl in law school with the pink lipstick (I'm weird, I know) and this one will definitely come with me on my first day. Stays put for HOURS. 

 Birchbox Bobby Pins: I'm absolutely obsessed with these giant bobby pins! First of all they are SO cute, but then they work like a dream to! They are a little hard to "open" but c'est la vie.

 Dr. Jart+  Ceramidin Cream: This stuff is supposed to have cult following for dry skin. This time of year dryness isn't really an issue for me, but I do have a few eczema patches and this stuff made them disappear in 2-3 days. I'm definitely holding on to this beauty come winter.

So were you happy with your box this month? I know I was! Don't forget to link up and share the love with the other gals!

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