Well hello there! Long time no see! I'm slowly getting settled here in New Orleans and have been wrapped up in a world of spending money, getting lost and seemingly endless boxes. But guess what? I'm absolutely loving it. I can't tell y'all how much I love having a walk in closet and my own bathroom. It's WONDERFUL after a few years of sharing bathrooms and living with clothing racks in my room.
I've been gone from DC for about two weeks, and to catch you up quickly here are the highlights of the last 10 days.
I've been gone from DC for about two weeks, and to catch you up quickly here are the highlights of the last 10 days.
- Sprained my ankle the day before moving. The universe decided to beat up on me.
- 2 yellow jacket stings. Again, I angered the universe.
- 1 flat tire. Are you getting the drift?
- 2 wonderful nights in Athens catching up with old friends in my old college town.
- 5 awesome days in Atlanta with my the dash of soul team.
- 1200+ miles in the car.
- And about a million margaritas at Tin Lizzy's. #RoughLife
So now you're all caught up! But goodness knows I can't write a Thursday Random's post without pictures!
Can't wait to share more of what I've been up to in New Orleans! Orientation starts on Monday!