Watching: The clouds go by from inside the law library. Where I have spent the last four Sundays. Oh and every week day since school started. I'm beginning to feel like I live here.
Reading: Contracts for class tomorrow. Are moral obligations sufficient consideration to bind a contract? Fascinating stuff. (but actually I am really fascinated by it. #lawnerd)
Listening: to my Mozart radio on Spotify. I've decided that listening to classical music in the big fancy law library makes me feel more important. And when I need a break from that I switch over to some Robin Thicke. Love me some Blurred Lines.
Feeling: Tired. Anxious. Overwhelmed. Confident. You name it, I'm probably feeling it. Law School has been an emotional roller coaster, let me tell you.
Drinking: Venti iced coffee. Extra shot of espresso. One splenda. Splash of half and half.
Planning: On attempting to finish the discussion portion of my first memo by Wednesday at 2 pm so I can get comments on it. I don't think I've ever been this nervous about a 7 page paper in my life.
Loving: That my lovely friend Courtney sent me a law school care package this week. It was beyond sweet and I really needed a pick me up. Slash I ate the entire giant kit kat bar for dinner last night. So that was awesome. Thanks again love!