Showing posts with label Dorothy Perkins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dorothy Perkins. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


First of all. Thank you to everyone who entered the Rocks Paper Metal Giveaway. It was a huge success, and I am so excited to announce Margaret of The Gilded Peach is the winner! Margaret has a wonderful blog, and she is seriously one of my favorites! PLUS she hails from Georgia! Go check her out! Margaret, I will email you shortly with all the info :) Congrats!

Now, on to the main show

I have recently become obsessed with Dorothy Perkins, but I'm a bit hesitant to take the plunge and buy something for a few reasons. 1. It's a British company, and I haven't had a ton of luck with sizing in British clothes. 2. If I buy one thing I'm going to have to buy like 50, because everything is super cute.

I've heard that the quality is similar to H&M, but the prices are a tad bit higher... Does anyone know if this is true?

Okay, anyways, here's what I'm loving


I shockingly don't have any weddings on the horizon, but if I did... This mint jacquard dress would be mine.  
OMG. I'm dying. I love lace. and the color? amazing.
Perfect for running around town

Love these stripes, and the cut is gorgeous

Um. Hi. WHY DONT YOU COME IN MY SIZE? I need this in my closet like yesterday.
Electric.Blue.Peplum. Need I say more?
I mean really. I love EVERYTHING on there. Oh... and they are having 70% off sale right now. I may just bite the bullet and buy everything something.

Hope y'all have a lovely Wednesday! Half way there folks!

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