Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday Randoms

Well it's Thursday, that time during the week where writing a full blog post with pictures seems extorindarily difficult, because I'm tired and ready for the weekend. But I still have stuff to say, so blog post in bullet form it is!

  • Y'all were awesome yesterday! I got some really thoughtful insight and emails which I'm still in the process of returning, so if I haven't already told you, thank you!
  • Today is kind of my friday, because I'm taking tomorrow off to go look at a law school here in DC. What???? yes. Woot!
  • I listened to the whole S Club 7 album last night, and it was awesome. Remember them?
  • I also went to the gym last night for the first time in I don't even know, and it wasn't that terrible yay! Maybe I'll even go again tonight. 
  • I have the WORST senioritis right now, and it's bleeding in to all aspects of my life. I'm just so checked out of everything. ie. I'm super lame and quiet on social media this week. sorry folks. 
  • I plan on spending a ridiculous amount of time in my bed this weekend. I'm even debating about putting paper over the windows and sleeping in a masque and ear plugs to keep out distractions. I'm serious when it comes to sleep. 
  • I really am feeling an intense need to go shopping for beauty products and I even need some refills... but I don't trust myself at target. What's a girl on a budget to do?
  • How are you guys liking bloglovin a week post google reader? I loved it at first, but now I feel like it takes me SO much longer to get through my daily blog roll b/c I have to load every single page. Is it just me, and my slow internet connection?
  • I made cheese burger mac hamburger helper for dinner on Tuesday, and realized how freaking gross that stuff is! WHY did I ever buy that crap? never again.
  • I really loved this post from Betsy on Tuesday. I can't wait to see what she says in her response. 
  • Is it normal that I'm really sad at the thought of leaving my DC blogger friends? I don't know where I'd be without you girls, and even though we don't hang out irl as much as we should, I don't want to leave you!
  • Is it weirder that I'm considering how many blog friends I have in other potential cities as a factor in my law school decision? (ATL is looking pretty good, blog friends-wise. You know who you are).
Well that's all I've got for you today. No pictures. Just my witty randomness to keep you occupied. See you tomorrow for Friday's Fancies (everyone's favorite day of the week).

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

On my mind...

As most of you know, I'm in the throws of deciding where to go to law school. I am often indecisive person when it comes to big life choices, so I can tell y'all I'm absolutely terrified about this decision.

I'm very fortunate that I've been accepted to six pretty great schools, and many of them have given me a considerable amount of financial aid so that's great. But sometimes having options makes things harder. There are so many factors that accompany each school, and multiply that by six (plus five potential additional acceptances), it's becoming a bit overwhelming to say the least. Oh. And I have to decide by April 1.

I'm not quite ready to share what my specific school choices are, but I want to give y'all a few hints. I know that so much of law school will be spent studying, but I'm a city girl and I'm sure I'm going to need some entertainment. So of course I've been doing some research on life in my potential new homes. Some, I know well, others not at all.

Atlanta, Georgia

Columbia, South Carolina

Fairfax, Virginia

New Orleans, Louisiana

Washington, DC

Greensboro, North Carolina
So, have any of y'all lived in any of these places? I'd love to hear your perspective? Where should I stay/go for this next step? 

Don't worry, I promise to take y'all with me where ever this endeavor may lead.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Learning the Bar

After reading my blog, you may have noticed I'm a girl who enjoys a cocktail. While I've been known to overindulge every now and again, I'm not one to love a sloppy night or the aches that accompany the next morning. 

In 2008, I did a semester in Spain where I was officially introduced to life as a wine-o. While I've strayed away from the beverage lately, I've decided to educate myself on the subject of wine in efforts to grow my love. I found this print on pinterest a while back, and I'm absolutely fascinated. 

Click through to see full size
How cool is this? I think I'm going to order a full size print for my apartment. Maybe hang it up near the bar? I think yes.

It's interesting to see what wines I already prefer in relation to one another. Apparently I'm a fruity red girl who loves anything with cherry notes. My go-tos are Pinot Noir (california's especially), Cabernet Sauvigon, Tempranillo, and Cotes du Rhone.

If you're not a wine person, sorry for this post, but if you are, what do you think? Do you have a favorite type of wine?

I'm thinking this poster would be great for a tasting dinner party. You could explore fortified wines for a night or even better... sparkling wine.

I love this.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Weekend Recap

Well that was a whirlwind of a weekend! I have a ridiculously busy week ahead, so I'm just going to let the pictures speak for themselves. Hope y'all had a fab one too!

Trying to convince friends to come out in their green dresses.

Best response ever. 
I'm also coming to realize that I need to upgrade the iphone to get better front camera quality.

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