Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday Fancies #6: Leaf Love

I'm loving this week's Friday Fancies theme. I don't know about y'all, but I'm so loving the turning leaves and the cooler weather. I think this would be a perfect Saturday afternoon outfit to head out in DC and enjoy this lovely weather!
Leaf Love
 Sweater | Shirt | Pants | Boots | Watch | Scarf

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Oh Hi Oh!!!!

Well folks. I've enjoyed a whole 2 days of calm now that the LSAT is over. I think I have a death wish or something, but I have some exciting news! I will be departing Washington, D.C. on Sunday morning to go work on the Presidential Campaign in Ohio!

It's going to be an adventure for sure! Knocking on doors. Making lots of phone calls. Working ridiculously long days. I can't tell y'all how excited I am. 

Needless to say I thought blogging during LSAT prep was going to be sporadic.... 

Don't worry though, all will be back to regularly scheduled programing after the election! And DC friends, don't fret. I will return soon!!!

xo! And don't forget to vote!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

So. Tired.

I need coffee. That's all I can say today. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Red Red Wine

Lately I've been obsessing over red lips. I've been rocking them the past few days and I'm loving the look. It can be tricky to find the right makeup look for the office. You need to balance looking put together, while not looking overly made up. I am definitely guilty of overdoing it on the eye makeup every now and again, and I often pair a bright or super shiny lip with heavy eyes. Seems great at the time, but it's probably better suited for a Friday night... not 10 am on a tuesday. I've been playing with lighter makeup looks lately (mostly because I hadn't been getting enough sleep because of that stupid test who shall not be named), and I've been loving how a bright lip can pull together a look without requiring a ton of other effort.


I know red lips are a little scary for some of us, especially if you're not accustomed to wearing lip color, but I've discovered that it's actually easier to pull off a darker lip than a bright one. So if you're wanting to be on trend for fall, but a little afraid of the whole red lip thing... why not try a wine lip 


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