Happy Friday from Little Rock, Arkansas! I am VERY happy to be back home in the south. Warm weather, some pool time, BBQ and real sweet tea. I am a true southerner that's for sure.
With that in mind I wanted to tell you about my newest discovery.
Skinny Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka.
You're welcome.
I know. This is an amazing discovery, that I found via my new blogging idol Kelly. I may or may not mix my firefly with water and sip on it as if it was regular tea. Don't judge me. I love that stuff. Do you know what's even better than that? If you mix it with lemonade. Shut up, I know.
Today let me tell you about the cocktail we are sipping on poolside today. Make it in a pitcher, because you'll want to share and sip on this for hours.
- 1 cup Firefly Skinny Tea
- 1 cup low cal lemonade (aka crystal light)
- handful of mint, divided
- 1 Tbsp Brown Sugar
- 1/4 cup water
- Lemon slices
In the bottom of the pitcher muddle about half the mint with brown sugar and water. Let that stand for 5 minutes for the mint to release its flavor, why don't you mix up the lemonade while you wait.
Add the Firefly and Lemonade.
Serve over a glass full of ice.
1 batch should serve 4-6 (depending on how big your glasses are)
I'm home for my sister's college graduation/Mother's day. On Monday we are off to Puerto Rico to celebrate my Mom's 60th birthday!
Have a great weekend lovelies.