Thursday, September 20, 2012

*GIVEAWAY* Just Because I love y'all

Okay. So it's just been one of those days. I've been a little down lately because of all this LSAT madness. But I've decided that I can't let it take over my life. The weather is beautiful. Life is good. Stress is stupid.

I took a break to swing by Starbucks to pick up another pumpkin spice latte. I decided a few things.

I love fall coffees
I love you guys
So lets do a random giveaway.

All you need to do is be one of my lovely followers and enter below through the rafflecopter widget. You can follow on Facebook and Twitter and all that jazz for more chance to win too. But mostly I just wanted to thank all of you who come by my little slice of the internet and leave such sweet comments every day.

I know every blogger in the world says this, but I really appreciate you all so much. Your comments and emails mean the world to me.


* The Giveaway will remain open through September 30. A winner will be announced October 1.


Reading  LSAT books
Practicing logical reasoning flaw questions
Listening to "It's Time" by Imagine Dragons on Spotify
Smelling triple chocolate brownie bites aka stress relief
Working at my real life job. In my big girl office.  
Writing this blog post.
Hoping that the LSAT goes well, and all this hard work is not for nothing
Thinking that I need to start thinking positively and have more faith in myself
Sipping a big old cup of Joe
Watching CNN. What else is new.
Gawking Governor Romney. Keep the gaffes coming sir. 47% of us would appreciate it. 
Wearing yoga pants and an over sized old navy tee. Top knot. No makeup.
Wishing that the LSAT would go ahead and be over so I can focus on blogging. Priorities.
Feeling Exhausted. Burned out. Drained. Defeated. Lazy. Frustrated.  
Loving that there are only 15 more days until the LSAT
Hating that there are only 15 more days until the LSAT

What are you doing.... Currently? 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Braided Crowns

Thank you all for your sweet comments from my post on monday. I'm definitely a little nervous to get into fashion posts, but all of your overwhelmingly positive notes and emails make it worth it. I got quite a few questions about the braided head band.  I pinned a tutorial on pinterest, but I thought y'all would like me to take you through it, and since this pin was so perfect (and I've been living under a pile of LSAT books---aka no time to put together my own tutorial)
I'm SO loving this look. It's really easy, and such a cute option to spice up up your everyday do. 

I would recommend a few adjustments. I like a little more poof. Shocking I know. So tease away my friends. 

You may want to practice the braid a few times, because you have to braid "up" or straight out (not down). You'll understand when you try it. Just warning you... your arms may get tired. 

Braid all the way to the end of your hair (or else you'll get weird fly-a-ways)

Hope this helps girls. 

I came across a similar tutorial from one of my favorite beauty/fashion bloggers, Keiko Lynn and I thought this was another cute take on the braided headband idea. I just wish my hair was long enough to try it!

via | Keiko Lynn
Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fall Beauty Picks

For this round of Loving Lately, I am featuring some of my favorite beauty products for fall.

I recently switched over to my fall foundation since the summer humidity seems to have disappeared (thank goodness). I'm loving rediscovering some old products and some new ones.  I bought the FIT me foundation right at the end of spring this year, but the shade was too light for me during summer. Needless to say, I'm loving the coverage this light weight foundation provides. 

I also have been loving the ELF High Definition Powder. Amazing. 

I recently discovered boi-ing, and I'm wondering what rock I've been living under? This stuff is seriously awesome. It's the perfect texture and lasts all day! Loving it. 

Y'all know how much I love lip products and I picked up another lipstain in honey. I've been loving a bright bold lip for summer, but think I'm going to transition to something softer for fall, so Honey has been perfect.

Also, and it get's cooler chapped lips are inevitable. My favorite is this Eos in soft mint. Perfection in a lip balm if you ask me.

Mega Plush ads have been everywhere lately, and for good reason. Y'all need to pick this up. I promise you'll love it. 

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