Thursday, November 15, 2012

Lets Start Shopping

I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet... but a girl can start to hunt right? After browsing Sephora I'm positive the majority of my Christmas list is going to be made up off of that site. Friends and Family... just go ahead and register for the rewards program now. k. thanks. Here are a few sets that will certainly make an appearance on my list this year. What's on your Holiday shopping list?
Sexy Little Stowaways
Snow Angel Palette

The Master Class Palette
Give Me Some Lip

Wednesday, November 14, 2012



feeling some mixed emotions about being back at work.

watching to CNN... and way too excited about it.

reading about a million emails from the last month. ridiculous.

hurting... SO sore from yoga last night. But it hurts so good.

lusting after this bedroom....

planning what to do with all this time in my life... big things are coming

evaluating my 25 before 25... I've made some headway in the last few weeks!

wearing real clothes for the first time in over a month... don't know how I feel about it.

excited for the Cap Fabb meet-up tonight! Who else is going?

what are you doing currently??

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fresh Start.

Well. I'm home. Getting back to the old routine. It feels like it's been so long. I started LSAT prep four whole months ago. Then with in hours of finishing the test I was prepping to head out to Ohio. Now I'm home. I don't have call time. I don't have class. I don't really know what to do with myself.

I feel like the blog has lost focus, because I was so hyper-focused on the campaign and the LSAT--- so I hope y'all will continue to visit as I try to find my voice again. Does anyone have advice on re-setting?

In the meantime I'm going to start going to yoga again. Get back to working on the 25 before 25. Get ready for the holidays (ps when did that happen???)

And since everyone loves sparkly things....


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Homeward bound.

I'm coming home. Today. Right now. AHHH!!!!!!

I need the city. I need the noise. I need the metro. I need the $12 cocktails. 

I missed my bed. My cat. My clothes. My room. My friends. My DVR.

I am NOT cut out for life in the country. Steubenville. It's been real. But I'm coming home. 

What I will miss about Steubenville: the lack of traffic, the ridiculously cheap alcohol, the return to college-like lifestyle, the wonderful friends I made, our amazing vols and supporters, wearing dirty yoga pants everyday and passing as put together. Kroger. Being able to see the stars. Did I mention I didn't get dressed for almost a month? And of course the amazing campaign team. It was only a month, but these people seriously changed my life. You guys should seriously watch out because we are going to be a big deal one day. 

What I will not miss about Steubenville: 97% of the people who live here, the apathy, the amount of uneducated crazy republicans--- I don't care if you're a republican but PLEASE tell me why, the endless hours of fruitless call time. The lack of good coffee.  Everything is fried. The racism. Having to count the lettuce on a burger as a vegetable.  yard signs. Being able to see the stars. Not having time to do laundry.  Not getting to spend enough time playing with makeup. Not sleeping. Yard Signs. Fast Food. Canvassing the ghetto. oh and the yard signs. 

peace out Ohio. It's been real. 

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