Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday's Fancies: Back to School Style

Apparently my blog has turned into all things back to school style lately. I have to say these last few days in Louisiana have been miserably hot and humid. I love the idea of this outfit, but there is NO way I'll be wearing layers any time soon!


River Island sweatshirts hoody, $31 / Band of Outsiders asymmetrical shirt / Dorothy Perkins pants / TOMS red shoes, $61 / FOSSIL bag

Hope y'all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wednesday Wants

Alright friends, last night was my first night in a very long time to do some homework. All I can tell you is law school is not going to be a joke. It took me nearly 45 minutes to read one little case 3/4 of a page long and brief it. Starting Monday I'll be reading 40-50 pages of case law per week, per class (all five of em). So... you can do the math. Needless to say I hope you understand some absence around this little bloggy while I get adjusted. For now I'm going to shoot to post MWF with maybe a fun "quoted" post every now and again. But I'm not committing to anything one way or another until I have a better handle on school. But, with that said I do have some pretty back to school "wants."

Monday, August 19, 2013

Back To School Chic

Well folks, today is the first day of my law school life. My week long orientation started today and I have to say I'm pretty darn excited. I've already made a few friends, discovered a few new restaurants, and found that there are 7 different coffee shops in a 6 block radius of my house. Y'all know how happy that makes me!

As we all know first impressions are super important and with a business casual dress code this is what I'm thinking for my law school debut.

I picked up a cute black and white tee at LOFT in Atlanta a few weeks ago. I think it will pair perfectly with my blue pencil skirt, black flats and maybe a cardigan in case it gets a little chilly inside all day. Of course for accessories I'll bring my big gold watch and maybe pearls? Classic, simple, chic and easy.

As for the hair and makeup I'm thinking loosely curled hair (hoping it makes it through the Louisiana humidity), a red lip and a lightly colored brown on the eyes.

What do y'all think? I promise to post an #lotd on instagram at some point.

PS. Happy Birthday Callie!!! Hope you have a fabulous day! 

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