Monday, December 30, 2013

A Year In Review

Hi Friends! It's been quite a while since I've checked in. Well, it's official. I have survived my first semester of law school and it was certainly quite a ride. Thinking back to where I was 12 months ago, my life was incredibly different and I honestly would have never predicted being in Louisiana. 

I've made some amazing new friends this year, worked harder than I ever could have imagined, started over in a new city, learned a ton, and soaked up life in DC. 

Here are y'all's favorite posts from each month this year. 

Here's to hoping next year is even better! Happy New Year!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Hey There!

Hey y'all! I just wanted to check in. I'm alive! I know... Shocking.

I can honestly say this semester has been an absolute blur. I had no idea I could cram so much into my brain, but some how all these silly laws and rules seem to be sticking. I don't want to jinx anything, but I feel like finals haven't been a complete shit show. So that's good. I've got three under my belt, and you know what? They aren't actually that bad. (The endless hours of fear and preparation suck though).

So now, I'm here. One more test to go. Trying to keep motivated. Because lord knows my brain is exhausted, like it's never been exhausted before.

Also, happy 21st Birthday to my littlest sister Reba. I can hardly believe she's 21! Hope you have a fabulous birthday! Welcome to legality! 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Today's the Day

Remember when I took the LSAT? Oh man... I did no know what I was in for when I signed up for this whole law school thing. Today is my very first law school exam. 

Criminal law.

Those 71 other 1L's in my section better watch out. 

Here we go. Wish me luck!

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