Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Cocktail Hour: Honeyed Ginger

Happy Tuesday y'all! I'm a bit overwhelmed with everyone's responses to my post yesterday. I didn't actually make any decisions about following/unfollowing blogs, but I really appreciated your feedback and support! Sometimes I feel very alone in how overwhelming and time consuming blogging can be. Good to know I'm not.

Do y'all read Kate's blog? She designed my beautiful new blog, but she's also a blogger herself and announced  she's doing a Creative Cleanse this week and I loved the idea! I've decided to get back to basics a bit in attempts to get my blog juices flowing again. I realized it's been far too long since I've done a Friday Cocktail post... in fact I'm willing to bet the majority of you didn't even read this little blog back when I used to do them. I love my Friday Fancies link up too much, so I've decided to bring the Friday Cocktail series back under a new name: "Cocktail Hour." Today's the first installment! Yay! Who doesn't need a mid-week cocktail pick up? I know I sure could (don't worry, I'll at least wait until 6:00).

Last night I was thinking about what to make for this inaugural cocktail post I was flipping through an article about cooking with honey, and thus this delicious baby was born!

So, pretty right? I totally stayed up all night making this look pretty. Ha. Fail no... I threw this together in a plastic cup... not worthy of photography so I borrowed this picture from one of my favorite blogs. Calling a fail on myself here. Sorry. Never the less... you can make it pretty! Here's what you need...
  • 1 TBSP fresh grated ginger
  • 1 TBSP honey
  • 1 jigger of gin
  • 3 oz of gingerale
  • lemon peel and 1 wedge for garnish

Warm the honey for about 30 seconds in the microwave for a thinner consistency. Muddle with the ginger and a lemon peel. Add gin. Strain over ice. Top with ginger-ale. Garnish with lemon. Enjoy

So easy right? So delicious. The spiciness of the ginger is absolutely perfect with the subtle sweetness of the honey. I'm thinking this could also be good with bourbon... If you try this let me know what you think! I promise to get my act together and actually take pictures next time.  

Monday, February 18, 2013

Currently I am....

I feel like it's another day for a currently post. It's just that kind of a day.  

Currently I am... 

Annoyed that I have work today while the rest of Washington, D.C. is sleeping in, brunching and galavanting around the city. 

Listening to an ethical training class online so I can maintain my FEC certification. It's super fun, let me tell you. 

Watching CNN. Duh what else is new? Is it normal to know the daily line up on CNN by heart? well... I know it's not, but this is my life. 

Reading blogs... so... many... blogs... I never realize how many I follow until I get on google reader for the first time in a few days. 400 new posts to read since Friday around noon-ish.

Wondering is it okay to purge my reader? I really only comment on like 1/4 of the blogs I read, maybe I need to refresh a bit. Touchy subject in blog world. I know I hate when I lose followers... but still... it' tricky. How do other bloggers handle it when you get overwhelmed? Help please! 

Feeling sad because my favorite person ever has returned to Connecticut. At least we still have snapchat. My other favorite person ever is leaving me this week to move to New Zealand and travel the world for 18 months. I'm super jealous, but super sad. 

Loving how much fun this weekend was. 

Missing my bed. We didn't spend as much time together as I would have liked this weekend. #toobusyforsleep

Looking Forward To my bff is coming to town this weekend! 

Wearing one of my new scarves I made myself! Yay for learning how to sew.

Obsessing over Union Market. DC friends, have you been there yet? I went twice this weekend and I am  so obsessed! It was amazing!!!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday's Fancies #19: Pink and Red

Happy Friday Gals! Is it just me or was this week brutal? Ugh. So glad it's almost over! I'm loving today's theme of pink and red, a combo. Y'all know I can't resist a sequin!

Pink and Red

Also--- Thanks to Kat for consulting with me on this outfit.

No big plans for the weekend. Just going to galavant around the city enjoying this lovely icy snowy weather. Fun times.

Happy Weekend Gals

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day

This is my valentines day wish list. Hope you all have a fabulous day with lots of love!

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