Monday, January 28, 2013

Color Crush: Greyed Jade

First of all... notice anything different around here? 

I finally have a real blog! OMG I know. So exciting. Kate has been putting up with me for the last, four months or so to put this together, and I'm absolutely thrilled with out it looks. She calmed all of my craziness and created something so much more than I ever could have thought of. Thank you so much Kate, and to any of you out there, I can't recommend her services enough. We may still be under construction today- but bare with us!  

So we all know I've been obsessed with Emerald lately (as evidenced here, here, here, here oh and here). Well I was browsing pinterest this weekend and decided there's another color I might be loving a little bit more. I know. Shocking. It's no lie I love the color grey (very strange I know), but this Greyed Jade color is absolutely gorgeous and so glamorous. 

I couldn't help but imediately start shopping to add some pieces to my wardrobe. While I still haven't found anything that I can't live without, I have found a few things that I love...

greyed jade

I mean, that kate spade bag? I may have to add it to my collection. LOVE it.

Anyways, hope you ladies have a wonderful weekend. I plan on catching up on some MUCH needed sleep. Yay. So excited.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday's Fancies #17: Black and White

I absolutely loved this week's Friday Fancies theme. Black and white is one of my go-to combos. Last year I made a goal of integrating more color into my wardrobe, but lately I've been reaching for some go to black and white options.

I especially love to pop this color combo with a few gold accessories. Something about it just seems so perfectly classic to me.

Black and White

Anyways, hope you ladies have a wonderful weekend. I plan on catching up on some MUCH needed sleep. Yay. So excited.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

DC Goodwill Fashionista

Hey y'all. I'm over on the Goodwill Fashionista Today talking about post- inaugural fashion. Come visit here

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Inaugural Recap

Well folks. It's over. While it was an overwhelmingly stressful few days, I will never forget the ride. I kept thinking what a difference four years and a lot of hard work makes. I spent the weekend juggling touring my parents around town, working to prep for a few big events my office hosted throughout the weekend, trying to attend the Obama Legacy conference, see all my campaign staff friends, sleep, dance the night away at a few balls, oh... and go to the inauguration.

Lashes and curls at the office. A normal day OBVIOUSLY.

All dressed up and ready to go to the Arkansas Ball. Again... I'm loving wearing the fake lashes. So glamorous. I just need to practice applying them. 

An INSANELY amazing cheesecake at the staff ball. 

The staff ball was quite the affair, POTUS, FLOTUS, The Bidens, Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett all in one room. Doesn't get much better than that. 

Now that all of this silliness is over, I promise to be a better blogger and start writing posts again. See you ladies tomorrow for Friday Fancies!!!

Happy Thursday!

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