Tuesday, June 5, 2012

{Beauty Tuesdays} Juice Beauty Peel

Happy Tuesday everyone! I'm sorry if the blog has looked a mess the last few days. I've been debating if I should get a new layout, social media buttons, etc. I pulled this together myself, and have been playing with photo shop a ton. What do you think? I'm pretty happy with it, but I may still make a few adjustments over the next few days.

Anyways, it's been a while since I did a beauty Tuesday, but I've been trying a few new products lately and I am beyond excited to tell you about this one. I have been on and off trolling birchbox for a peel to help get off some of that dry skin that you build up over time. I talked about my full skin regimen here but I've added the Juice Beauty Green Apple Peel Sensitive  and it has made such a difference.
 I've been using it for 3 weeks, 3x a week and can tell such a difference already. My skin is smoother, pores are smaller, and my skin seems to soak up my moisturizer a bit more.

It's all natural and organic, made of apples, grapes, lemon, aloe and algae. It smells like unsweetened apple sauce (which is a bit odd). There is some raw sugarcane which helps to exfoliate, but its not rough at all.

On a clean face, rub on a generous amount being careful to avoid the eye area. It will tingle a bit when you first put it on, but nothing that's uncomfortable.  Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse off. It's as easy as that.

I know it's kind of expensive, but compared to a real chemical peel it's about 1/3 of the price. I really think this will keep you out of the dermatologist's office and your skin looking great.

As always, if you have any suggestions or if you use other juice beauty products I'd love to hear about it!

Have a lovely Tuesdays!!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday Monday

Oh how I wish it was a three day weekend again. Two days off is never enough. This was a pretty perfect weekend though. Friday night was filled with champagne, lots of rain, and my couch. I love just lying on the couch with a blanket in the rain. And champagne makes it significantly better. There is just something so fun about all those sparkly bubbles. 

Saturday was filled with cleaning, reorganizing, and getting rid of some of the crap around our house. I re-tackled this project. I'd been lusting over this look on pinterest for a while now, and I have to sat I love it! BUT it is beyond time consuming, and you can literally play with it for hours. So fun though right?

Saturday night was another epic one. We went to a costume birthday party for the lovely katie. In desperate need of a costume I decided to raid my closet and found my trusty leopard bra and leopard pencil skirt. I love some big hair and make up too, and I've been dying to use these eye rock stickers I got in my birchbox a few months ago. I give you my attempt at being a jersey shore girl.

I know. I can't believe I'm putting this on my blog. 

Also, how have I never used lip liner before? It makes a world of difference!!!

KJ and I had a little too much fun with our glow sticks. 

 bathroom pictures. I had to share.

I was in fine form, let me tell you. My head is still aching. 

BUT the story gets better. We arrive home at 2:30 or so, only to decide we need a frosty (it's really dangerous living 2 blocks from Wendy's) so we go. and we lock ourselves out. and it's 3 in the morning. I tried to break in, but after the wonderful birthday, our house is very secure. dang it. 

So we trek up to KJ's family's house in friendship heights. Fighting AdMo traffic all the way. Called the locksmith in the morning. $89 later that was the most expensive Wendy's trip ever. AND wouldn't you know I didn't even drink my stupid frosty.

Sunday was filled with hangovers, running errands and Blogger Blitz DC organized by the lovely {av}! Y'all I had such a great time! It was so nice to finally meet all these ladies who I've been stalking. I hit it off with several of the girls (no shock there though, I love their blogs so of course I'd love them in real life). 

Happy Monday!

Friday, June 1, 2012

{May Goals: Recap}

Remember when I did my May Goals post? Well, it's officially June folks. So let me do a quick recap of how I did.
  1. Read a book a week (or 5 a month)-- Fifty Shades of Grey, Fifty Shades Darker, Fifty Shades Freed, The Happiness Project, The House on Oyster Creek
  2. Start studying for the LSAT again-- sort of, bough a groupon for an online course, but haven't used it yet
  3. Relax more-- Vacation, Check
  4. Do yoga for at least 20 minutes 5 times a week.
  5. Enjoy my friends more
  6. Make new friends-blog friends count right?
  7. lose 7 pounds-- not so much. p
  8. Get back in the gym--Although slightly deterred by the vacation, I'm doing better!
  9. Stick to an eating plan- Stupid vacation
  10. Get serious about job hunting-- Hopefully we'll have some news soon.
  11. Set up 2 random coffee dates-- fail
  12. Stick to a strict budget-- ehh... not really
  13. Visit the Doctor-it's a very long story, but no. I have an appointment on Monday though :)
  14. Drink more water- nope
  15. Plan a trip to Atlanta-nope
  16. Plan a different trip for August- not yet
  17. Keep my room cleaner-sorta?
  18. Re-organize my makeup situation-- currently its a hot mess
  19. Get rid of 10 pieces of clothing/shoes-- I don't have room.
  20. Oh Walk 10K a day-- Yep!
  21. Finish 1 DIY project. just one. 
  22. Execute a fabulous birthday party-- It was great, read here
  23. Re-design the blog-- I can't believe I failed on this one. I haven't had a ton of time to really look for a new design/designer I love, so recommendations are always appreciated. 
  24. Start taking pictures on my camera, not the old iPhone. 
  25. Drink less caffeine--fail.
  26. Get new running shoes.
  27. Pick a new computer-- See #12.
  28. Wash my face EVERY MORNING and EVERY NIGHT- not perfect, but much better
  29. Whiten my teeth.
  30. DON'T buy any new products unless I'm ABSOLUTELY out- Woohoo, Can't believe I actually did it!
  31. Treat myself to a mani-pedi-- because lets be honest, I deserve it. Especially if I achieve even half of these goals. 
Well... That's a lot of red. I did okay, but I could have done a lot better. I am liking this though, reflecting on personal growth each month. It's definitely keeping me accountable. I'm giving myself a mini-pass this month, because it was a really busy one, and I was gone for over a third of it, so... those 10 days don't count right? 

I want some time to think about my June Goals, so I'll try to get a post up about that sometime over the weekend.

I'm so glad it's finally Friday! woohoo! I have a semi-busy weekend planned with Nat's games (if it doesn't rain), costume parties and Blogger Blitz!!! So excited!!!

Hope y'all have a great one!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

It's Okay + {Giveaway Winner}

First of all, thank you to everyone who entered my first giveaway! I think it was very successful! and I'm so excited about all of my new followers!

Congratulations to Rachel! She just had her second baby, so she is definitely going to need some relaxation time this summer! I'm so excited for you love!

I've been wanting to do one of Neely's it's okay link up's forever, so what's better than the present.

Its Ok Thursdays

It's Okay...

to drink three cups of coffee before 10 am, just because you can't get enough.

to be crazy sore from yoga, to the point that it hurts to lift your arms.

to drink 3 purple hazes on a Wednesday night, with your boss in tow no less.

to wear ankle pants to work (wait, is it really? oh well)

to be obsessed with my new app viggle. Like I have 7000 points in less than a week. granted I watch CNN literally all day when I'm at the office. 

to be BEYOND excited to meet so many of my dc blogger friends at Blogger Blitz on Sunday!

to be dreaming of another beach vacation. I need more beach time asap.

to be scared about major life changes.

to make those changes anyways.

to eat 2 fast food milkshakes in 3 days. who does that?

to wish it was the 4th of july already, because I need another 4 day week.

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