Oh do I feel better. It's amazing what a weekend with no stress and good friends can do for your mental well being. As I mentioned before I went to Williamsburg, VA with my two roommates BW and KJ to visit my bff and her wonderful husband. I need to settle on a nickname for her (because she has several: LoPro, LoRay, Lars, LoProRay and the Lawfully wedded wife) but Lauren is a wonderful hostess. After a not so horrible drive down 95 with the obligatory stop at Chick-Fil-A we were greeted by the LWW with a variety of the most amazing individual tartlets. Our options were coconut lemon curd nutella cream. Obviously my obsession with chocolate won out and I opted for the nutella. They were so good.
Saturday was wonderful. We hit up this AMAZING Spanish (as in Spain) food store called La Tienda. I did my study abroad in Spain a few years back, and miss it terribly, so I jump for any opportunity for authentic Spanish food.
They did not disappoint. Amazing olive oils, HUGE wine selections, jamon serrano, machego, and some yummy bread. Unfortunately everything was a tad high for my budget, but I picked up some amazing pimenton which is a smoked Spanish paprika that I can't wait to try out once lent is over.
Then we headed off to Alewerks, a local brewery to do a tasting tour. Day drinking is the best, am I right?
The highlight of the weekend though was finding my new child. I have been rocking a Longchamp for a while now, and I love it. but it was time for a new bag. I'm at a point where I
am spoiled appreciate nice things so I wanted to invest in a bag that I can enjoy for years to come. I've been crushing over a Michael Kors Hamilton.
and a Kate Spade Quinn
but I knew there was an outlet for both in Williamsburg so I was holding out.
After much though, a pre-purchase scouting trip on Saturday I settled on an amazeballs satchel from Kate Spade called the Melinda. I love her so.
My own personal photographer took a few pictures of me showing it off. For your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.
*all photos courtesty of the Lawfully Wedded Wife and Google Images |
Hope y'all have a great day. To read more about the weekend go