Monday, May 7, 2012

Weekend, Where did you go?

I mean really, that weekend came and went in a blink. We had so much fun, but it's Monday morning again and  my tequila haze is finally catching up to me. Get ready for an intense amount of photos. Two of our Favorite People in the WHOLE WORLD came to visit this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Lawfully Wedded Wife! They were fresh off their law school exams, so we tried to treat them to a jam packed vacation where they could let loose a bit. 

Lauren, being the expert food blogger that she is, LOVES food trucks. Obviously we had to hit up food truck fest, and boy am I glad we did. Empanadas, Gyros, Popcorn, Ice Cream, Pop-cycles. I mean, wow. It was awesome. 

Then we set off to do a few of the obligatory touristy sites. Fortunately for those of us who have phobias of crowds of tourists (*cough cough, me), we got a sweet parking spot, and it wasn't too crowded! We hit up the Lincoln Memorial and checked out the new MLK memorial that opened on the tidal basin last fall. For those of you who don't live in DC there has been a bit of backlash from this new memorial. Dr. King is misquoted a few times, his statue was carved by oppressed and underpaid Chinese people, while the statue is in his likeness, he looks slightly Asian, the list goes on and on. I guess people are always going to find a reason to complain. 

I have to say, I was pretty impressed by it all. The park they build around the tidal basin in beautiful and very peaceful. While not huge, the statue definitely has a resonating presence, and the walls of water and inspirational quotes bring a sense of tranquility. It's slightly off the beaten path (if that's possible on the national mall), so it wasn't super crowded. If you haven't made it down there yet I highly recommend it. 

This is Oliver, isn't he cute? 

The Silver and Gold Cinco de Mayo party went off with out a hitch on Saturday and we all had a great time. All my pinteresting paid off, and the house looked super festive with tissue pom poms, banners, some yummy food (be on the look out for a recipe) and of course some Mexican mustaches. 

Mr. and Mrs. LWW

photos courtesy of LWW
Lots of Beer Pong was played (not very well though), new friends were made. Too many cupcakes were eaten, and a few too many margaritas were had. OH, speaking of Margaritas. I want to follow up on my last post.  So, I love me some Bethenny Frankel, but girlfriend, that skinny girl margarita is gross. I mean really. It tastes like chemicals. I thought it was supposed to be natural? hmm.... AND on top of that, my roommate KJ says she read an article about how there is some ingredient in it that, when combined with citrus (limes anyone?) becomes carcinogenic. Cancer? From a Margarita? no thank you.

We also had this

There were some mixed review, but I have to say, I loved it! We made the crystal light as instructed (with water) then let folks add tequila to it as they desired. It was a very green color (a tad scary), but I thought it had a great flavor. 5 calories? I'm sold. 


Please have mustaches at your next party. They're so fun. Hope y'all have a great Monday!

Friday, May 4, 2012

{Friday Cocktail} 5.5.12 Double Cocktail Craziness

So tomorrow is a big day. Cinco de Mayo woohoo!!! oh yah. AND the Kentucky derby. I don't know about you, but when I think about both of these holidays two things come to mind. Margaritas and Mint Juleps. How could you pick just one? Since I'm still working working on eating well, I haven't been drinking. Okay, that's kind of a lie, I've been trying not to drink, and have for the most part been pretty successful. Still thinking about my may goals and having to be in a bathing suit in 10 days (eek) I'm going to really try to be good this weekend. It's going to be tough though. Good thing I'm the one throwing the party.

We are having a smallish Cinco de Mayo party so we'll have the traditional margarita mix, but I'm going to pick up a bottle or two of my girl Bethenny's Skinny Girl Margarita. 100 calories a serving? Sign me up.

Now I'm a southern gal, but we were never really in to the derby growing up. During college I went to a super fun Derby party, and ever since I love dressing up in a big floppy hat and sipping on some minty goodness. 

BW at last year's derby party
I'm going to attempt to make a skinny mint julep, but lets be honest, I still don't quite have the taste for bourbon, I need me some sugar.

Ingredients: 10 mint leaves, 1 Tbsp Simple Syrup, 3 oz bourbon, 1 cup crushed ice
  1. Muddle 10 mint leaves with 1 Tbsp simple syrup and a tiny splash of the bourbon.
  2. Let that mixture set for 3-5 minutes so the mint can release its flavor (take this opportunity to crush the ice)
  3. Strain the mint mixture and pour into your julep glass and swirl it around the glass. 
  4. Add the crushed ice to the top of the glass
  5. Add the remainder of the the bourbon
  6. Garnish with mint

Put on your finest hat (be it a big floppy one or a sombrero) and relax. I know that's what I'll be doing!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Say it Aint so Newt

Oh Newt, why did you have to go so soon? I will miss your pompous whit, your blonde robot of a wife, and your brilliant campaign promises. Moon colonies? child janitors? and oh your unwavering love of Ronald Reagan. You will be missed sir. But lucky for all of us, I'm sure you wont venture too far.

As Speaker Gingrich suspended his presidential campaign yesterday, I couldn't help but feel a few pangs of sadness. No, my dear friends, I'm  not suddenly switching my allegiances, but I am a little sad that the primary is really over. Sure, Ron Paul is still in, but lets be honest, he'll probably run as an independent in the general election in November. Mitt Romney it is. Our next President will either be a Mormon or a Muslim. Great.

Ha-ha you know I'm kidding right? I'm actually somewhat pleased with these final two men standing. While I have already gotten my Obama 2012 sticker, I am glad that the two most qualified (in my opinion) men are still standing.  I have too much respect for the system to honestly hope for a Newt or a Bachmann to win the nomination to make it easier for my pick.

I was discussing this the other day, and y'all might think I'm crazy, but does this whole thing not have some SERIOUS similarities to the Hunger Games? We send them into this game where they attack each other attempting to kill each other's political viability? We take pleasure in watching every tiny detail play out. The strongest/smartest/ most strategic candidate is left standing at the end?  SPONSORS aka Super PACs throw money at the candidates (players) to keep them alive?

I think its a little spooky.

Anyways. Congress is in recess this week, so life in DC is slow. No moving legislation. No breaking news. AKA lots of time for me to catch up on my blog reading.

Hope y'all have a great day, and get excited because tomorrow is FRIDAY!!! Wooohooo!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

{May Goals}

Since I've been reading blogs I love watching the evolution of the author. Be it someone just getting into fashion or makeup, someone trying to eat healthier, lose weight, or exercise more, or even a new mommy to be I love watching all of you set goals and achieve them. There's just something so inspiring about it all. With that said I am going to start a new monthly goal series (and a yearly goal, be on the look out for a 25 before 25 soon). Since there are 31 days in May I would like to set 31 goals. Hopefully I succeed at all of them, but even just a few would be great.

  1. Read a book a week (or 5 a month)-- I'm going on vacation so between plane time and beach time hopefully I can get this one done.
  2. Start studying for the LSAT again-- Ugh. I just need to do it. October will be here before you know it.
  3. Relax more-- Puerto Rico here I come!
  4. Do yoga for at least 20 minutes 5 times a week.
  5. Enjoy my friends more
  6. Make new friends
  7. lose 7 pounds-- This will put me at a big milestone for me (and I've been gaining and losing the same 4 pounds for almost 4 months now, time to step it up)
  8. Get back in the gym-- I've been moderately exercising with yoga and walking but if I'm going to be serious about those 7 lbs I've got to get back on the elliptical.
  9. Stick to an eating plan- too often I sabotage myself. I need to pick a diet and stick to it. no fudging the rules.
  10. Get serious about job hunting-- Time to have the talk with the big boss.
  11. Set up 2 random coffee dates-- be it networking or a real date. 2 people I don't know at all.
  12. Stick to a strict budget-- between recent car disasters (thank you stupid rats) and stolen laptops, and too much shopping I've gotten in a serious hole.
  13. Visit the Doctor-- I've been putting of this appointment for far too long.
  14. Drink more water
  15. Plan a trip to Atlanta
  16. Plan a different trip for August
  17. Keep my room cleaner
  18. Re-organize my makeup situation-- currently its a hot mess
  19. Get rid of 10 pieces of clothing/shoes-- I don't have room.
  20. Oh Walk 10K a day-- it's a competition at work during the month of May. I have to walk 10,000 steps every day. whew. I hope I can do it. Yet another motivation for #8.
  21. Finish 1 DIY project. just one. 
  22. Execute a fabulous birthday party this Saturday. Happy Cinco de Mayo people.
  23. Re-design the blog-- I think it's time I actually invest in this thing and get a new layout, maybe a button or two. Have any of you worked with a good designer? I need suggestions.
  24. Start taking pictures on my camera, not the old iPhone. 
  25. Drink less caffeine-- See #14.
  26. Get new running shoes.
  27. Pick a new computer-- See #12.
  28. Wash my face EVERY MORNING and EVERY NIGHT.
  29. Whiten my teeth.
  30. DON'T buy any new products unless I'm ABSOLUTELY out. 
  31. Treat myself to a mani-pedi-- because lets be honest, I deserve it. Especially if I achieve even half of these goals. 
Well... what do you think? Do you have any goals for the month of May? I'll check back in at the beginning of June and let you know how I did!

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