Monday, June 25, 2012

Good Morning

Where do the weekends go? I never know. They seem to speed by much faster than the work week though. 

So I don't know if y'all have seen all the ads but I picked this stuff up at the grocery store the other day and OMG is it good. I highly recommend the B&J's greek yogurt. It's a little tangy and super creamy. It comes in a whole bunch of flavors, but this one in particular caught my eye.

Also, I was BEYOND excited when I won Julie's giveaway a few weeks ago. Well my beautiful earrings were delivered on Saturday, and they did not disappoint. They are the drop bling in hazel from JoJo Loves You. They are seriously gorgeous. Thank y'all!

I woke up ridiculously early on Saturday, so I wend for a walk in the hood and found this little joy. so gross.

and sipped on this beauty. amazing.

Sunday I partook in a more fun beverage (bloody mary at the boundary stone)

I'm also trying to get going on my 25 before 25. I tackled a pinterest project/ idea. I love pinning makeup ideas, and this one was beyond amazing. I tried it saturday night and of course forgot to take any good pictures, but I used my nyx smokey palette and the naked palette, and it turned out pretty close. 

exciting weekend. I know. 

Do you know what is exciting? my newest giveaway with Rogue & Co. go here to enter 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

{Giveaway] Rouge & Co CLOSED

So remember when I talked about my obsession with monograms here? Well I went on a bit of an etsy spree and found this wonderful company called Rouge & Co. They can pretty much monogram anything you can think of. Their patterns are super cute and colorful. and they are very cost effective (always important). I mean just look at these. Beyond cute. I mean just look...

Koozies (perfect for summer, and don't forget football season is right around the corner)

Adorable trays for entertaining

Keep everything organized with this awesome calendar

Protect your ipad with this beauty

and who can ever have enough coasters? It's summertime, don't forget to protect your furniture!

Rouge & Co has generously agreed to giveaway not one but TWO personalized Kookies for you wonderful Blue Dog Belle readers! I'm so jealous y'all, I plan to order some too!!!

The giveaway will be open now through Sunday Night! So make sure you go check out Rouge & Co and let me know which products you love!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, June 22, 2012

{Friday Cocktail} Peach Two Ways

So, I'm from Georgia. I love Peaches. I love peach cocktails. I saw this on the lovely Julie's blog and I knew I had to devote this week's cocktail to the peach. You should know something about me though, I am indecisive. oh, and I like many liquors. When making these last night, I absolutely couldn't decide so I made two versions.

They both start out the same: Peach Puree. All you need to do is slice up a perfectly ripe peach (over ripe would be even better) remove the pit, and puree in the blender/food processor. Strain if you so desire (I did not care to).

Jim (Bean) and the Giant Peach

In a shaker combine 2 Tbsp of the peach puree

1.5 oz of Bourbon

1 Tbsp Honey or Simple Syrup

add ice and strain into glass.

Top with cranberry juice (but next time I would probably cut it with club soda)

or if gin is more your style (as it is mine) you should definitely try...

The Gin-ger Peach

In a shaker combine 2 Tbsp of peach puree

1 Tbsp Honey or Simple Syrup

Add ice and shake. 

Strain into glass. Top with Gingerale.

Can you tell I love peaches? mmhmm. Both are delicious (I had to down sample both of them for y'all ), but the gin-ger peach is much lighter, perfect for summer time. 

Hope you ladies have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Another Thursday Randoms

  • Some days you just need to write a blog post in bullet form. So here you go. 
  • I stayed at work yesterday until 10 pm. I am DRAGGING today, let me tell you. 13 hour days are for real, no fun. EVEN when drinking is involved.
  • I am also suffering from a minor mid week hangover. what the heck? "I don't got time for that"
  • I finally broke out the sear sucker for Sear Sucker Thursday! But now I remember why I so rarely participate (this skirt is too short for work. oh well)
  • I went to a CRAZY huge UGA reception at Union Station last night. It was awesome.
  • Outgoing President Michael Adams (President of UGA) really needs to get his teeth whitened. Come on dude, you make a lot of money, you are making us look bad. 
  • I really miss college. 
  • I REALLY don't know what to do about Grad School.
  • I am beyond over this hot weather that has suddenly invaded DC. I get that it's officially summer now, but seriously? I am not ready for heat indexes 100+, for reals, not okay.
  • I wore a dark suit yesterday--> worst decision of my life
  • Have you ever swam in a public pool? Something about it just kind of irks me. I feel like they are full of diseases and urine. BUT there is a pool like 3 blocks from my house, and I'd really like to start swimming laps after work. But... eww, I don't know if I can do it. 
  • I love jambalaya. (and plan to have some for lunch today, just thought you should know)
  • I forgot to put on foundation today. I just forgot. My make up routine is slightly extensive but I have the exact same routine for my face. just about every day. primer. concealer. foundation. powder. blush. more powder. Today I did primer (stila bronze). then cheek stain. then powder.WTH?  I don't even know. I'm tired.
  • I might go get gelato for a post lunch snack. I've been thinking about my Sunday trip to Pitango all week. 
  • ALL week I've been thinking that the fourth of July is on Wednesday (meaning next week is a very odd 4 day week). NO wrong. We have a whole other week in between. NOT FAIR.
  • I really want to take a "mental health day" soon... but I want to plan it to be AWESOME. DC peeps, any suggestions on random day time activities?
  • OH. So I had a huge tech victory yesterday! I figured out how to make a blog button! OMG I know right? I'm so impressed with myself y'all have no idea, well... actually most of y'all probably do. If you want my button you can get it here...


  • Does anyone want to do a button swap? leave a comment or email me at 
  • I. AM. SO. EXCITED. FOR. FRIDAY. these weeks just keep getting more and more painful
  • Pretty sure that's all I've got for you today. Maybe I'll double up tomorrow since I feel like my posts have been lacking the last few days. Summer cocktail and a Friday Fancy? I think yes.
Have a great day lovelies.

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