Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Guest Post: Pineapples and Pearls

Hey everyone! I'm Heather from Pineapples and Pearls! I'm a fellow DC blogger who adores Emily's blog and of course I was so flattered when she asked me to guest post!

I decided since Emily works on the Hill and I would assume that many of her readers do too that a very relevant post would be one on the LBD. When you work in a big city and your after work obligations leave you with zero time to change and often involve some of the same colleagues you see during the day, it's so essential to have an army of little black dresses at the ready so that you can throw on a blazer during the day and then head straight to cocktails from work. 

Let's forget for a second that I can't afford most of these dresses. What matters is the shapes. The perfect day to night LBD has a slightly low neckline so that it can pass for slightly revealing but certainly not one that shows any cleavage. Look for slightly fitted silhouettes, just above the knee, with interesting details - ruching, twists, wraps, a cowl neck. Also, invest in this piece. Don't break the bank but splurge just a little. Believe me, you'll end up wearing this dress several times a month for years to come.

Thanks so much Emily for letting me guest post! I hope yall will visit me over at Pineapples and Pearls!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

25 before 25 Update

Remember when I decided to do a 25 before 25 project? I talked about it here and made a page here. Well, it's approximately 4 months later, and in an effort to stay accountable/ keep y'all posted, I want to update you on my progress.

{find a job that makes me happy} I almost got a new job a few months ago... but it didn't work out (which was actually for the best), now I've put job hunting on hold to prepare to go back to school. Ironically as soon as I made that decision, work got a lot better. Funny how these things work out.

{clear out my closets} Yah... haven't done a thing. Maybe when I switch out my summer clothes for my winter ones we'll tackle this one. 

{learn how to sew} Haven't done a thing.

{read 25 books} I was on track with this for a while... then the stupid LSAT threw me off course. I definitely need to try harder to find reading time during the week. I know the time is there... but blogging just seems so much more interesting.

{take time for projects} Not.So.Much.

{work to make new friends} I think I've been doing okay with this one. Blog friends count right?

{show up for the ones I have} I should be doing way better here. But I'm making an effort. 

{do a spending freeze for a month} Not yet. October perhaps?

{practice meditation/yoga} I was doing GREAT. Then my LSAT was conveniently scheduled during my favorite Tuesday night yoga. So. sad. I haven't found another time slot yet, but I only have 2 more Tuesdays of LSAT, so... I may just wait it out. 

{do something unexpected} ....

{go to New York} No plans. 

{fill my walls with art that I love} No movement here. But I have been cultivating plenty of ideas on pinterest... that counts right?

{save money} YES! Woohoo. Unfortunately a large chuck has flown out the door for various LSAT related expenses. 

{focus on fitness} ha. nope.

{get enough sleep} ha. ha. ha. definitely a nope. 

{take the LSAT} Started LSAT class 7/17, test is October 6

{host a themed dinner party}

{volunteer} something is in the works. 

{treat myself, because I'm worth it} YES! I had a massage last weekend. It was lovely.

{upgrade the camera} Not yet. the LSAT and applying to school sucked up my spare funds. 

{make 25 things found on pinterest and blog about it} 12 + 3, 4, 

{practice making fun cocktails} I think I'm doing pretty good here. The Friday cocktail series is definitely helping me achieve this one. 

{do a 5k} no progress

{take a cooking class} still no progress

{Blog every day for a month} Not yet, but it's definitely not too far away. Maybe in November?

{commit to continuing these goals once 25 comes and goes} 

Moral of the story... I need to get going on quite a few of these things. Do you have any advice on getting motivated? Some days I feel like I just have too many balls in the air to do anything. ugh. 

If any of y'all have your own happiness projects or 25 before 25 (or any other numerical combination) plans, please let me know. I'd love to read them, and hopefully gain some inspiration.  

Monday, August 20, 2012

August Birchbox Brag

It's time for another round of 

Are you excited? I know I am. 

Since a few of you have asked recently, Birchbox provides a monthly delivery of high end samples, tailored to your beauty profile. Most of the time you get a nice size sample, but every now and again they surprise you with a full size! It costs $10 a month, but the value of the products you receive is always well above that.   Plus have access to the website, where you can purchase full size products. For every dollar you spend you earn 1 BB point. For every product you review, you receive 10 points. Every 100 points = $10 off your purchases. I'm a bit of a point hoarder... so I generally splurge on crazy expensive products that I would never otherwise get. 

Y'all, I can't rave enough. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my birchbox, and would highly recommend it to you.

with all that said, August's box was not my favorite ever. 

Schick Hydro Silk Razor
I think everyone got this in their box this month. While it's not a beauty sample per say, it is a pretty awesome razor. I'd definitely recommend it to y'all. Big handle and like 5 blades (side note, when are they going to stop adding blades?). Love how much longer a shave lasts with this. Dare I say it, I can go three days between shaves. Love that.

TALIKA lipocils expert

I have very thin, short, sparse, light (really what's not wrong) lashes. I'm not going to lie, I've been tempted by those lash serums a time or two. I was really excited for this deluxe size sample. You apply this botanical serum to your lash line twice a day. A month later, you supposedly see longer, thicker and darker lashes. I've been using it for a week, and have yet to see a change. HOWEVER, I am giving it a full month and will definitely follow up.
Yu-Be Moisturizing Skin Cream
This was super random. I saw it, and kind of had a WTH moment. But, this is a fabulously moisturizing cream. This would be great for super chapped skin in the winter. However... this is summer. I do have a moisture problem... but mine is on the opposite end of the spectrum. I think that this is one of those products that if you like it, you'll love it, and probably never be with out it ever again. But it just didn't really do it for me. I don't see much of a difference from petroleum jelly, honestly, and I'd much rather spend like $2 for a big jar of Vaseline than 15 for a medium sized tube of this stuff.
Beauty Fixation Lipstick Touch-up
These are cool... I guess. It's one of those pre-filled q-tips where you snap the tip and let the product drain to one end before you apply. I don't know... I feel like I don't really have a problem with lipstick running... so I don't really need these. But if you do, these are awesome. I don't though, so... not going to be purchasing.
Viva La Juicy La Fleur

Okay. LOVE this scent. Love is actually an understatement. I am obsessed with Viva la Juicy, but I think this one is even better. It's super soft and very floral, but it's so light and delicate at the same time. This will DEFINITELY be making an appearance on my Christmas 2012 list.
SHU UEMURA Art of Hair Full Shimmer Illuminating Shampoo

I've sampled shampoo from this brand before. It's great, my hair is super soft, thick, and smooth after I use it. But for me it's just not worth the almost $50 price tag. It's shampoo... come on.
SHU UEMURA Art of Hair Full Shimmer Illuminating Treatment
This however is something I would definitely consider shelling out some money for. (Let's be honest though, $65 is still too much). This treatment did wonders for my hair. I don't know that I really saw the "shimmer" but the deep conditioning aspect definitely did a lot for my tired tresses. 

So that was my August Birchbox. What did you think? Did you love this month or were you just kind of... ehh like me? Want to hop on the Birchbox train? click here to sign up.

Back to School

Well... it's official. Everyone is in full swing back to school mode. This marks my third fall not buying a new wardrobe, new pencils and other school supplies. Do y'all miss that? I know I do. 

What I don't miss is dolling out hundreds of dollars for books that I don't really use. Books that I will inevitably sell back for a tiny fraction of what I paid (though don't they always promise to buy them back for more?) 

When I was an undergrad, I had a faint idea that you could rent books, but never really gave it much thought. I assumed you couldn't highlight or underline (something I often did) with out forfeiting a deposit or something. Well come to find out, I was so very wrong. 

I recently found out about Campus Book Rentals and man, do I wish I knew about it years ago. You can rent almost any book for a fraction of the cost, up to 90% less. 

You can highlight them, until you can't highlight anymore. You don't have to pay for any shipping. If you're worried about the time frames, don't. They have super convenient and flexible rental periods. 

If you drop a class? Don't worry. You have 30 days to return for your money back (my campus bookstore gave you until the end of drop add, can you say rip off?)

If you fall in love with a book and want to hold on to it? Not a problem, just go to your handy account, and purchase it for a fraction of the cost you would've paid. 

Now y'all know me. I don't write sponsored posts for just anyone, but Campus Book Rentals has proven to be a trustworthy company, that I thought y'all should know about. 

Even if you're not heading back to school this fall, tuck this nugget away for the future if/when you do go back to school. I know I'm stocking it away for the coming fall... law school books are expensive... from what I hear. 

If you are heading back to school today (shout out to my bff KC!) I hope y'all have a wonderful day!!!!

Note: I was compensated for this post, however all opinions are solely my own. I would never advertise any product or company I do not support. 

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