Saturday, May 25, 2013


Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday's Fancies: Memorial Day Diva

We made it again folks! Boy am I glad this week is over, and it's a three day weekend to boot! Yay! since my days in DC are numbered I've decided to stick around town and take in some of the best sights this city has to offer. A National's game on Sunday, the Memorial Day Concert on the mall on Monday, it's going to be great! And I'm pretty sure this is the perfect outfit for all that gallivanting around town.
memorial day

How cute is this seersucker dress? First of all I love anything seersucker, but how perfectly patriotic for Memorial Day weekend right?

Since I'm going to be out and about quite a bit I'll definitely putting my sunscreen supplies to good use. Don't forget ladies! No one wants wrinkles or skin cancer!

Okay, now for a little link love. PS I hope y'all are liking this new weekly feature! It's quickly becoming one of my favorites!

  • Need a one stop show for creative blog resources? Ashley Ella Designs put together a great one this week! So helpful. 
  • Like any true southern girl I love me some boiled peanuts, but I've never thought to make them for myself. Thankfully Carlene is here to rescue us all with this recipe. Rumor is she's going to make boiled peanut hummus soon too. Yum. 
  • Since summer is unofficially here we all need to remember to protect ourselves from the harmful rays of the sun. Here's 12 things you're doing wrong with your sunscreen right. 
  • I'm SO doing this to my vanity! 
  • How amazing does this chicken sound? I love all of her recipes, but this one is just calling my name! 
  • I think I've found my next DIY project! I love this camera strap

Alright gals! I hope y'all have a fabulous long weekend!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Little Revamp

Thank you all for your sweet response to yesterday's post. I think I definitely just needed a little break from all of the craziness, so I spent the day allowing me to treat myself here and there. Cupcakes for breakfast? Sure. A latte in the afternoon? Why not. Needless to say I'm feeling much better today.

I've been reading a lot of design blogs lately, and after reading this awesome post from Allyssa I decided it was finally time to take the plunge and do a little revamping of my "about" page. My original one was thrown up kind of haphazardly more than a year ago. So I figured why not go ahead and update it?  Here's the whole shebang...

Emily: The Girl Behind the Blog

Welcome! I'm Emily, the girl behind the Blue Dog Belle blog. I am originally from Georgia where I lived the first 21 years of my life. A few months before I graduated from college, I picked up everything and moved to Washington, D.C. to pursue my dream of working in politics. 

I love all things girly and have a strange obsession with the color gray. Like any southern girl I love a good monogram and drinks in mason jars. I am a beauty junkie with a weakness for all things makeup, and I'm a huge college football fan. Throw in an infatuation with glitter and you have me in a nutshell. Want more? Quirks. Goals. Friends. Confessions. History of me

Washington, D.C. : The Setting

After nearly four years living in Washington, D.C. the city has really become my home. DC has a unique culture unlike any other city in the world. This is truly the epicenter for all things political, but with a diverse and youthful citizenry the life of a local is never too serious or boring. Want a little taste of what it's like to gallivant around DC? Try this. thisthis. this. or this.   

Blue Dog Belle: The Name

Many a-political types aren't tuned in to the various coalitions within political parties, and that's okay. But to understand a little more about me, you need to understand what a Blue Dog is.  According to their website...

"The Blue Dog Coalition was created in 1995 to represent the commonsense middle of the Democratic Party. Blue Dogs advocate for mainstream American values, a commitment to fiscal responsibility, and a strong national defense. 

The name “Blue Dog” originates from the long-time tradition of referring to a strong Democratic Party supporter as being a “Yellow Dog Democrat,” who would, “vote for a yellow dog if it was listed on the ballot as a Democrat.” Leading up to the 1994 election the founding members of the Blue Dogs felt that they had been “choked blue” by the extremes of both political parties." 

So essentially a "Blue Dog" is a moderate Democrat. Fiscally conservative, socially liberal is what I like to think. The Belle portion comes from my desire to be a southern belle. Really I just wanted a name that would represent multiple aspects of my personality. You guys know this, but I'm a political junkie with an addiction to glitter and sparkles. For more on the meaning behind the blog read my post: here.

New Orleans: The Future

As I posted here I will be picking up my life again to move to New Orleans, Louisiana to pursue my dream of going to law school. I'm both terrified and excited about this new adventure, saying goodbye to DC is much harder than I expected. Stick along for the ride though, and I'm sure we'll have tons of adventures in cajun country together. Read about my first adventure here.

And I'm back! So what do y'all think? too long? Are you annoyed by the round pictures? I hope you love it just as much as I do! Now I'm inspired to make even more changes! What should I tackle next???

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Heavy Hearts

I'm going to go ahead and warn you, this post albeit brief is not the normally light hearted post you are probably used to seeing around this blog. I'm not sure what's really going on with me this week, but I'm just feeling emotionally crushed by the state of my world. I know so much of my feelings are coming from the absolutely heartbreaking images coming from Moore, Oklahoma.  But it's beyond that. This has been a really tough year. First the shootings in Aurora, Co., then hurricane Sandy, then the absolute tragedy of Sandy Hook, the Boston bombings, all the coverage of those girls in Ohio, and now the devastation in Oklahoma.  My heart has been saddened by each and everyone of these events. 

I like so many others have shed plenty of tears for the victims of these tragedies, but at the moment I'm just feeling so overwhelmed by all the sadness in the world.  I'm so appreciative that none of the tragedy has touched my personal life, but that doesn't negate the sadness hanging over me. 

I don't really know how to explain my feelings other than to say I'm utterly overwhelmed. 

So I hope you'll excuse me today as a take the day off to get myself back into a better head space. I need to focus on the good in the world, and in my world in particular.  For now I'll just leave you with this quote...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

South Moon Under Shopping

Last week I made the trek out to South Moon Under in the Mosaic District in Fairfax for the Rebecca Minkoff trunk show, and let me tell y'all it was well worth the adventure. I know I'm making this sound like it's hours outside the city, but like many other district dwellers I rarely venture out to virginia, let alone outside the beltway! 

Honestly though, I wish I had done it sooner. Fabulous boutique shopping, many of my favorite DC area restaurants and target in one place? I don't even have to pay for parking? Amazing. Anyways, South Moon Under is a gem, so many unique and on trend pieces I definitely know where I'll be doing my shopping from now on. 

I was beyond impressed with the selection, and hey a 20% off night doesn't hurt either right? 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Gilded Stripes

Well folks, we made it once again! Happy Friday! I can tell already this summer is just going to fly by (yay/sad).  This week has been an absolute whirlwind and I really don't know where the time keeps going! But anyways, let's talk about more exciting things like Friday's Fancies. I decided to go a bit more formal for Friday's Fancies this week. While the theme was stripes, I seemed to be craving any and everything gold.
striped fun

I don't know about you, but I'm absolutely and completely obsessed with this pencil skirt! 


Oh my gosh y'all! somehow I forgot to do a little link love this week! How did that happen? Maybe because I stayed up entirely too late last night watching the epic office series finale. Before we get to link love can we just talk about the office for a minute? Oh my gosh, I'm so sad. I was a little disappointed with the ending, but I think that's more in the fact that it's ending not so much the writing. I was definitely great to see the whole gang together one last time and get some resolutions for so many of my favorites. Seriously. Thursday nights are never going to be the same. 

Okay, enough ranting about TV. Link Love time. 
And that is all she wrote. Happy Weekend Y'all! I'm finally seeing Gatsby and checking out Opera in the Outfield. Other than that, I'm going to enjoy this lovely weather! 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Perfect Eastern Market Afternoon

Last weekend I ran around eastern market, and I've still be dreaming about how lovely it is. If you've never been you absolutely need to get over there ASAP. The market lies just blocks away from the Capitol building, but it feels like a different world. Everyone just meanders around, shopping, eating, drinking and enjoying a little time off. Honestly this market is one of my favorite things about DC, and I will often miss spending my weekends taking in the sights and sounds of this gem of a market. 

Do you have a favorite weekend haunt? A market? Brunch spot? 


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Happy Birthday Mom!

Hello there! I'm back again to wish my Mom a very happy birthday! 

Me too. Happy Birthday Mom!


Surprise Kate Spade Sale!

Guess what happened yesterday? I was just minding my own business checking emails on my phone when all of the sudden I see this gem...

Yep. Time to break out the credit card. While I'm not going too crazy (with moving and law school on the horizon I'm trying to save money like crazy), but I have a few gift cards burning a hole in my pocket. So I need y'alls help! What should I get?

I do actually need a new wallet. I've been rocking the same (fake *gasp* D&B wallet for over 2 years).

I am obsessed with this blue beauty. 

This wallet is HUGE, such a steal. But how do I feel about the orange? Hmm...

Blue. Patton. Leather. Need I say more? 

Or maybe I should get some fun jewels? You can never have too many right? 

Gumdrop Studs

These studs have been a go-to gift of mine lately. They are so fun and chic, and everyone loves them! Maybe it's time I get some for myself. Plus, hello? $19? 

How fun are these beauties? 

And just for fun, maybe a new bag?

A perfect fun little beauty to run around town with me on the weekends? I think so.

Or maybe this one? Perfect for toting law books around New Orleans right? I think so. 

So, what should I do? Get a wallet I need? a fun little bit of glitz? or splurge for another bag? Or is there something out there I'm not seeing? Hmm... you can shop the whole sale here. Did I mention it ends TONIGHT! Hurry up and get to shopping gals. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Weekend Snapshots

Happy Tuesday! My weekend recap is a day late, but it was such an epic one I figured y'all wouldn't mind. As many of you know my best IRL friend, Lauren was a huge catalyst for me launching this blog. Well she and her husband have been working ridiculously hard the last three years to get their law degrees, and on Sunday they received their diplomas and are officially juris doctors! Only three years until I hopefully join them! 

The whole weekend was wonderful. Full of good food and good friends and family. We checked out the Williamsburg farmers market one last time, and of course hit up the cheese shop! If you're ever in Williamsburg you absolutely have to eat there! 

Lauren's little sister Ashley is an aspiring fashion blogger, so we snapped a few shots. How much do you love this sparkly headband?

She's starting her paparazzi skills early in life. 

Ashley prompted me to take a few "model shots" with the kate spade, obviously.

BFF since the millennium! 

After graduation we took a few pictures around the campus. Lauren and Jason's dad's decided to get in a few grad shots too.  

All in all it was a lovely weekend. I just wish my graduation would go ahead and get here! Can I skip the three years in between? ok. Thanks. For more Williamsburg fun, see Lauren's recap here

Monday, May 13, 2013

Blogging Confessions

So the other day Whitney wrote this post about hiding the blog from her real life friends. As I was reading through her post I was touched, because each and every word she wrote seemed as if it was my own.

Confession time. 90% of the people in my life don't know about my blog. 

Sure my roommates know a lot about it since I'm constantly using them to help me brainstorm, edit and create content. My other two best gals both read it often (one of them has a blog herself). My Mom reads it every now and again, my sisters know about it but I doubt they've ever really looked at it, and my Dad's probably in the same boat. I've shared it with a few other close friends, but generally only after they organically found it through some form of social media.

I have so many trepidations about publicly claiming this blog. First and foremost I'm afraid of what it could do to my professional career. What do employers think about a personal blog? Y'all know I never ever talk about my job on here, and I would never do anything to compromise the company I work for. But still, an employee with a blog is a bit of a liability isn't it? In this difficult job market why would I do anything that could jeopardize myself as a potential candidate *not a candidate for political office. Don't worry, I have no plans or desire to pursue that life. But I do want a career in politics, so even if I myself am not the politician, as a staffer you're still subject some elevated scrutiny of your personal life. Is this blog a political liability? I'm gonna say no, but would an employer? I'm not so sure.

More  confessions. At times I feel very self conscious about being a blogger. 

You and I both know that blogging is about so much more than sharing what I wore today or what I did this weekend. We're all here, documenting our lives, making friends and working in this creative community that gives us so much satisfaction. Blogging has added so much to my life, and I love it dearly, but to the random facebook friend? Doesn't it still look vain? "Oh... she has a blog? and she talks about makeup and sparkly things? Hmm..." And in comes the judgement.

It's freeing not to be worried about what other people think. I can write whatever I want, no matter how stupid or frivolous. Sure we all get those negative comments that sting, but I can brush it off because at the end of the day, who cares? I never have to see them in real life. But that anxiety that comes from the fear of in real life judgment, sometimes it's just too much.

So, there you have it. I'd love to hear how you have incorporated your blog into your personal life. How do you handle sharing the blog in your real life?

Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday's Fancies

Wow. I cannot believe it's Friday yet again! The days seem so long, but the weeks are short. This week marked the 100 days to law school count down. Can you believe it? I certainly can't.

Lately I've been itching to embrace my inner hipster on the weekends. I think it's my new camera, I feel  so much "cooler" if I dress the part of a hipster photographer as I try to learn how to take a decent picture.

weekend wear

What's more comfortable than a flowy maxi dress and some havainas for walking around the farmers market? Yoga pants, but that's not chic enough for Friday's Fancies.

Now I have a little link love for the week.

  • How great are these prints from Ashley Ella design? I'm definitely going to print these for a gallery wall in my new place.  
  • I'm always trying new face masques but after this review I think I may have found a new favorite. Have y'all ever tried something like this? Let me know.
  • Lately I've been loving getting tips on how to be a better blogger. I've fallen into a bit of a blogger rut, so in an effort to change things up I'm following all of Sarah's tips.
  • This Lemon Basil Jello definitely peaked my interest this week. One of my favorite flavor combos in squishy form? I'm in. 
  • The Beauty Department is one of my go-to's for any and everything hair and beauty. I loved this tutorial for soft waves. This actually inspired my hair yesterday. Super duper easy. 
  • Two of my favorite beauty bloggers in once place this week? Loved it!!! 

Alright boys and girls. I'm signing out for the weekend! I'm heading to Williamsburg, Va to celebrate my bestie and her husband's law school graduation! PS. How adorable are these two? I'm obsessed with those pictures! 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Spring Gingham Dress

A while back I was approached by eshakti to review a dress from their spring line.  If you haven't heard of eshakti before, it's a great concept for perfectly fitting clothes!  They allow you to choose a garment and customize the style (think neckline, sleeves or length). Even better than that, everything is available in any size 0-36W! They have a wide variety of styles too, so there's something for everyone. Love that.

I picked out this dress at the end of February, but it was such a cool spring, I've only just been able to start wearing it. These were taken a few weeks ago and I'm just going to warn you about my blindingly white legs. Sorry. 

Dress c/o eshakti {similar | love this one}, glasses {target}, Shoes {old}, Watch {michael kors}

Thanks to my lovely photographer for playing with me in the middle of the DC streets. We live life on the edge.

*I was gifted the dress in exchange for review, but as always all thoughts and opinions expressed are solely my own. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tick Tock

The other day I was horrified when I noticed that some of the gold plating has rubbed off my favorite Michael Kors watch. I'm taking it as a sign that I need to add a new watch into the rotation (the only logical choice right? I think so).  While my pre-law school budget probably isn't going to allow me to treat myself to any of these a girl can still shop. 

These are a few of my favorites. All very different styles, so let me know which one y'all like best so I can find a knock off ASAP. 

I love the clean face and the leather. A little casual but very classy. 

Obviously I love anything Kate Spade, but this one has been on my wish list for quite a while now. My main trepidation is how similar it is to my michael kors. I feel like I should branch out a bit, right?

I love any and every Michael Kors watch, and this one is no exception. Again with the clean face, but I adore the skinny strap with the big face. 

This one is a totally different look. Square face, leather, chains, etc. It's more of a bracelet than a watch, but I still think it's really fun. Plus since I'll be back in a school environment in three short months I can accessorize a little more casually right?

Now this one... I LOVE the sparkle and the patten leather and the diamonds and the color and did I mention the sparkle? So pretty, but is it a little much. I mean I know it's a lot, but is it too much for everyday life? On the plus side, it's the most affordable of these options. 

Hmm. Decisions decisions. What do y'all think?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

April Birchbox

I know it's already May, but I wanted to finally share my April Birchbox with y'all. I know, I know... what took me so long? Forgive me please. 

CC Creams seem to be dominating my makeup routine lately. While I'm a big fan of juice beauty, this product was a bit of a miss for me. I didn't love the smell and the coverage was minimal, but I will say that my skin looked noticeably more radiant after a few days of use. If you don't need much coverage I would say go for it, but this was a miss for me.  

I mentioned this product in my april favorites, but I need to talk about it more. I will never be without this spray ever again. I can't even tell you what a change I've seen in recent weeks. The spray smells AMAZING, and my hair looks so healthy. My ends aren't as dry, no frizziness even as the humidity increases around here. 

I really really wanted to love this product, but I don't. It smells great and goes on so smooth, but as someone who definitely suffers from morning eye puffiness I saw little to no reduction beyond the aid of a cup of coffee and a splash of cold water on my face. Plus for the cost... there's no way.

I'm a big fan of "Yes to..." products, and this one is no exception. I absolutely loved then scent and the scrub was effective, but not overly rough. I like the idea of exfoliating my face everyday, but you definitely need a gentle scrub, this one fits the bill.

This has been one of my go to lip balms for years. I've strayed a bit for my love of EOS products. I have the mint and the berry. Super moisturizing, long lasting and they smell so good.

Monday, May 6, 2013

My favorite view in all of DC

The weather in DC has been so fabulous lately. So one day last week I grabbed my camera and ran outside during lunch to try and capture a small piece of the majestic capitol building. I'm so lucky, because I get to enjoy a view of this beautiful building every time I go to work. I know that I might never get that chance again, so I'm trying my best not to take it for granted. 

I mean come on, how gorgeous does this look with the perfectly green trees and the bluest of blue skies?

The monuments are all amazing, and I don't take as much time as I'd like to enjoy them but the capitol building will always be my favorite sight in this city. 

Someone once told me that when the sight of the dome stops taking your breath away, it's time to leave this town. For some reason that little antidote has stuck with me for years. I see the dome driving to and from work, walking around the office, or any time I leave for a meeting. But I try to take a moment each day to appreciate how lucky I am to be here. Working in DC and on capitol hill for the last three years has really been a dream come true, one that I will not soon forget. As frantic and stressful as life can be at times, I really appreciate having such a beautiful view to remind me just how lucky I am.  

*All images are original to Blue Dog Belle. 

©2013 Design by Katelyn Brooke Designs